Filenews 10 March 2025 - by Dora Christodoulou
The area of the rock of Episkopi in Paphos, the so-called "Meteora" of Cyprus, will occupy from this year's tourist season a central place in the sights of the province. The third and final phase of the regeneration of the area has created an impressive complex that can now be enjoyed and admired by visitors of all interests of the province and not only those engaged in nature worship or climbing tourism.
Local officials and tourist operators of Pafos estimate that the complete new appearance of the area, combined with the very good tourist year that is estimated to be 2025 for the province, will contribute to turning the famous rock into a new tourist attraction of the province.
With an amount of approximately €314,000, the works completed the partial renovation and promotion of the natural monument. Hundreds of local travellers, according to the people of the community, rushed the time spent in the area to admire the unique geological formations and their promotion works, making the famous rock one of the most important sights.
The works of this phase were the last intervention in the area with the unique beauty and ecological importance rock in the community of Episkopi. The first phase was implemented years ago for approximately €250,000, while the second phase was completed in July 2018 for the amount of €267,000.
Designers of all three phases are the Architectural Workshop of Agisilaou and Kalavas. The first two phases were funded by the State Budget, while the last phase was funded by 200,000 by the European program LEADER and the rest by the State Budget through the Pafos District Administration.
The impressive geological formation of Episkopi is an imposing rock of enormous importance and a pole of attraction for many visitors. It is the largest monolithic volume in Cyprus, with a height of 70 meters and a length of 250 meters and is one of the most interesting geological formations of the island with enormous environmental importance in flora and fauna of protected species.
The giant rock is part of the Geological Complex of Mamonia and has been designated as a protected area due to the enormous environmental importance it has in rare species.