Filenews 22 January 2025 - by Dora Christodoulou
The community of Kissonerga had for years maintained a different record, which caused increasing irritation to thousands of drivers from its main avenue to Coral Bay and to the city of Pafos. It was the area with the most speed bumps, a total of 11 on a single road a few hundred meters long.
Since yesterday this situation has changed. The Akamas Municipality, which Kissonerga joined with the reform of the Local Government, in cooperation with the competent state services, started yesterday the removal of the four speed bumps on Christou Keli Avenue. After a study made by the competent departments, it was decided to remove these curves, while for the time being the rest remain located outside schools in the community and near vertical intersections.

The Mayor of Akamas, Marinos Lambrou, went to the spot at the beginning of the procedures for removing the curves, who supervised the process and in his statements called on drivers to be careful.