Thursday, January 23, 2025

FIXED CAMERAS - REDUCED VIOLATIONS FOR RIGHT TURNS [note work at Viofos lights 17-21 February]

 Filenews 23 January 2025 - by Angelos Nicolaou

Red traffic violations at intersections with fixed cameras fell sharply in December 2024 compared to violations in previous months of the year. There is also a dramatic decrease in right-hand arrow violations at light-controlled interferences. This is evident through the official data of the Department of Public Works held by "F". This trend may be due to the fact that citizens are adapting and have learned to observe the highway code at intersections.

Of course, this was helped by the fact that in a number of photo-controlled contributions, specific time arrangements were made so that drivers who are trapped are not reported and receive an extrajudicial fee of €300.

From September 2024 until the end of the year, when all cameras were put into operation all over Cyprus, most violations are recorded in the Limassol district. However, there was a noticeable decrease in infringements in December compared to the previous three months (September, October, November). In total, in December 2024, 4,885 infringements were committed in Larnaca, Limassol, Nicosia and Paphos. Of these, 2,170 were in Limassol, while in September 2024 they were four times more. A total of 18,570 infringements were recorded in September.

In terms of red light violations from right-turn lanes, 553 violations were recorded in December 2024, compared to 3,577 violations in January of the same year. In March, a total of 4,216 infringements were recorded.

In the district of Larnaka in January, 2.114 violations were recorded compared to just 129 in December 2024. In Limassol, complaints decreased to 269 in December compared to 625 in January, while in May right-wing arrow violations amounted to 2,155. In Nicosia in December, 71 drivers were reported to be driving the arrow to the right compared to 308 in January. Finally, in Paphos the complaints in December were 84 compared to 530 in January.

Changes have already been made to seven light-controlled intersections with double clockwise arrow function, where it was found through a study with traffic regulations that it was indeed confusing for drivers how they operate. Today, drivers on the move are given time to continue their journey and not to record a red light violation.

Specifically, the Department of Public Works made changes to the timing of the green traffic light and the way it operates at seven light-controlled contributions. These are:

• Spyrou Avenue Kyprianou/Panagouli/Patras in Larnaca

• Spyrou Avenue Kyprianou/Luther King/Valdaseridi in Larnaca

• Griva Digeni/Prodromou Avenue in Nicosia

• Griva Digeni/Dimostheni Severi Avenue in Nicosia

• Franklin Roosevelt/Omonia Avenue in Limassol

• Europe Avenue/G. Kranidiotis/ G. Savva in Paphos

• Agioi Anargyroi/Spyrou Avenue Kyprianou/ Agapinoros in Paphos

In addition, changes are planned in February in the mode of operation and timing of the green traffic light at the intersection of Ellados Avenue with Tassos Papadopoulos Avenue (Viofos lights) in Paphos. This work is expected to take place between 17-21 February 2025. The relevant work will be done in cooperation with the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Services, the Police as well as the contractor of the project from Germany.

At the following light-controlled junctions, where there is a double clockwise arc at the traffic light, no changes to the traffic lights time setting were required:

• Arch. Makariou G/ Agia Zoni (Limassol)

• Arch. Makariou G/ Agia Fylaxeos (Limassol)

• Sp. Avenue Kyprianou/ Agias Filaxeos (Limassol)

• Sp. Avenue Kyprianou/ Nik Avenue. Pattichi (Limassol)

It is noted that within 2025 the Department of Public Works will announce an offer for the conduct of traffic measurements at all photo-controlled junctions all over Cyprus, where photo-tagging cameras have been installed.