Sunday, May 26, 2024


 Pafos Live 26 May 2024

The state is not being blackmailed, the President said about delays in strategic projects
A message to companies that have undertaken the implementation of strategic projects and do not meet their obligations was sent by the President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides, in statements in Paphos. He noted that the state is not being blackmailed and will not just be left to watch them.

Asked about the project for the port and marina of Larnaka and an announcement by the contractor that blames the Government, the President said that he is generally concerned with the way such large projects are awarded.

He added that what interests the Government is not just to award projects, but for those who undertake the projects to be able to implement them.

"In this context, for all major projects, I want to say that firstly the state is not blackmailed, secondly any commitments undertaken should be implemented. If the commitments made by companies are not able to be implemented, we will not just be left watching them and time passes," he said.

He added that the Government is interested in implementing such important projects in any province. He also said that "we need to look more generally at the issue of awarding such strategic projects".

An important development is the upgrade by Moody's

Asked about the upgrade of the outlook of the Cypriot economy from stable to positive by the rating agency Moody's, the President described it as an important development.

He expressed the view that it is recognition of the Government's triptych in terms of its general economic policy, which boils down to responsible fiscal policy, a strong financial system and continuous and bold reforms.

"And within this framework we will continue, precisely in order to have a strong economy that will allow us – because this is the main issue – to have a targeted social policy for all those of our fellow citizens who we will have to help," he said.

He added that a strong economy will enable policies in the health and education sectors, which are a priority for the government.

Coordination with Greece and Malta on new package of sanctions against Russia

Asked how concerned the government is about the new possible package of EU sanctions on Russia that may affect shipping companies, the President clarified that the Republic of Cyprus faithfully implements EU sanctions.

"Unfortunately, there are some third states that are associated with the EU and that do not apply these sanctions and therefore they are not effective," he said, adding that if they are not applied by everyone there are problems.

At the same time, he said that in cooperation with Greece and Malta within the European Council, all those measures are being taken to avoid any side effects.

"I'm not saying they won't exist, I want to be completely honest, but right now our effort is focused on taking decisions that don't negatively affect EU member states," he said.

No second thoughts about the Cancer Institute

Asked if there was disagreement about where the National Cancer Institute should belong, President said there was no disagreement. He added that this is a pre-election announcement that has been included in the 2024 budget. What is being discussed internally, he said, is whether it will be inside or outside the Ministry of Health.

"What interests us is how this institute will be more effective. No controversy, no different approach," he said, adding that there was no second thought about the Cancer Institute.


The State is next to Chloraka, said today the President of the Republic, Nikos Christodoulides, inaugurating the important works of completing the construction of the protection and improvement measures of part of the coastal front with the "Breakwaters at Alytzi beach" and the completion of the third and final phase of the Cultural Center with the project "Canteen and Fountain Exhibition Area".
He also expressed the certainty that together with the Community Authority they will do everything necessary for a successful implementation of the major reform of Local Government.
Two projects which, among many others, the President of the Republic said, reveal and confirm the strong interest of the community authorities in the substantial development and progress of the community.

Referring to his visit to the seafront and the on-site briefing he received, he said that "we confirmed, with our own eyes, the transformation, indeed, of the beach front between the hotels St George and Laura, with the construction and installation of the 5 breakwaters and other complementary improvement and regeneration works".

The breakwaters, he said, "make the sea accessible, but we should also develop the space in front, the coastal one, so we will proceed immediately with the Town Planning Department to give the relevant permits and it can be used by the community and the residents of the area."

The project, which falls under the European Cohesion Policy Program "THALIA 2021-2027" and is being promoted for the final certification of compatibility with environmental standards, is, as he said, the President of the Republic, an example of the effectiveness of the will and proper organization of all contracting parties.

President Christodoulides also praised the role of the previous government in including the project in the "Thalia" programme.  He reiterated that they are all to be congratulated because this is one of the few projects delivered before the completion deadline, adding that this in itself says a lot.
The President of the Republic said that "wherever and when there is proper planning, control, professionalism and consistency, projects are completed and successful". Especially, when it comes to projects, as he said, such as this one, "that aim to upgrade and enhance both our tourist product and the living standards of the residents of the wider region."

At the same time, he expressed the certainty that "the project to improve the coastal front of Chlorakas will greatly contribute to the further development of the area and the provision of better quality services and opportunities for both residents of the area and visitors".  There are, as he said, about eight hotels and this beach can serve people staying in these hotels, but also the residents of the area.

He then welcomed the work of the Ministry of Transport, expressing his pride for hearing from local authorities welcoming the contribution of public services, but also of the architect because the key and beauty of the space is the unity of the space and is another indication of the steady course of development and quality upgrading of the Community. as he said.

The Community of Chloraka, as of today, acquires a multi-purpose, model, Cultural Center, which harmoniously combines the creation of infrastructure for cultural events and actions, the very careful aesthetics of the area, respect for the environment, the promotion of tradition and much more.
As a State, it congratulates and applauds such projects with clear targeting and proper planning for the redevelopment of community spaces, but we are here to support and substantially strengthen them, President added.

President Christodoulides announced that he received information yesterday about the positive development of another Community project – which he considers particularly important, because when we talk about projects related to Education and Health they are very important – the expansion and general improvement of the First Primary School "Agios Nikolaos" by the Ministry of Education. The process, he said, is at the stage of preparing the Contracts and in a short time work will begin.
Referring again to the Marina, which was the first request of the Pafos Chamber of Commerce, he stressed "we proceeded with the competent Deputy Ministry and during our own governance we will lay the foundation stone, correcting a distortion that has existed for a long time".

He then referred to the issue of the decree issued in 2021. It was, he explained, "one of our first actions to execute the decree, to correct a distortion that existed for the community, I know very well the challenges you face because of immigration," adding that "the whole country, especially some areas like Chloraka."

The President of the Republic said that it is a matter of priority for the Government, noting that the data and figures prove the importance they give to this issue.

For the first time, he continued, all those who are not beneficiaries of international protection leave our country and on the occasion assured that "this issue will be addressed no matter how many challenges may arise". We are aware of the concerns arising from irregular migration, we are here and we will face this great challenge.

The President also said that it is common knowledge that the community of Chloraka, now proven, is on a path of continuous development, regeneration and progress, for the benefit of its residents primarily, but also of tourism in our country in general. We are confident that all recent, completed or ongoing projects in the Community of Chloraka will give a new dynamic of development and prosperity to the region, with only positive developments for our country, added the President of the Republic.

For his part, the president of the community of Chlorakas, Nikolas Liasidis, who is reclaiming a position in the Chlorakas CP, said that in the last 7 years projects worth more than €20,000,000 have been constructed.

The two projects that were inaugurated, he added, add value and will leave a long-lasting imprint on the community, since they help upgrade the local economy, while enhancing the socio-cultural value of the area.

These projects are the fruit of many years of effort by many people, who envisioned them, believed in them and contributed to their realization, so that today we have the pleasure of enjoying them, he concluded.