Sunday, November 19, 2023


 Filenews 18 November 2023 - by Dora Christodoulou

It is important that several projects that were at the planning stage are now budgeted for tendering and starting their works.

This is pointed out by the Pafos MP of EDEK, Ilias Myrianthous, on the occasion of the recent discussion in the Finance Committee of the Parliament of the budget of €490 million of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works. It is particularly important that development projects concerning the region and disadvantaged areas are promoted and implemented as soon as possible, so as to contribute to development and reverse urbanization, Mr. Myrianthous points out.

Regarding the district of Pafos, the MP of EDEK expresses satisfaction with the budgeted projects of both the Ministry of Communications and the projects of all other Ministries.

Regarding the first phase of the new Pafos – Polis Chrysochous motorway, according to the Pafos MP of EDEK, it seems that it will not be completed as originally planned, but towards the end of 2025, which causes dissatisfaction. However, he stresses, it is positive that for the second phase of the project of the Stroumbi road to Polis Chrysochous, costing €60 million, it is expected that in November 2024 the proposal to the General Directorate of Development will be completed, in accordance with the foreseen legislation.

It is also important that the upgrading of the existing Pafos-Polis Chrysochous road continues, at a cost of  €3 million, says Ilias Myrianthous, concluding that he will monitor the progress of the projects and the implementation of the budget of the Ministry of Transport, Communications and Works so that EDEK can contribute positively with positions, views and suggestions.