Sunday, November 19, 2023


 Filenews 19 November 2023

The barometric low, which temporarily affects the region, is gradually receding to the east.

Today, the weather will be partly cloudy and in places, temporarily mostly cloudy, while local rain and isolated thunderstorms are expected, especially in the west, north and mountainous areas.

On the highest peaks of Troodos, snow or sleet may fall. The winds will blow mainly from west to northwest directions, initially strong 5 Beaufort and gradually moderate, 4 Beaufort. However, locally on the coast, winds will continue to blow until strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort. The sea will be turbulent to wavy and initially locally, wavy to very wavy. The temperature will rise around 20 degrees in the interior, north and west coasts, around 22 degrees on the rest of the coasts and around 9 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tonight, locally increased clouds will be observed. On the highest peaks of Troodos, snow or sleet may fall. The winds will blow mainly from west to northwest directions, weak to moderate 3 to 4 Beaufort and transient, locally on the coast until strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort. The sea in the west and north will be turbulent to wavy, while in the south and east it will be turbulent. The temperature will drop to around 12 degrees in the interior and on the coast and around 3 degrees in the higher mountains.

On Monday, the weather will be mostly clear, with locally increased clouds at times.

On Tuesday the weather will remain mostly clear, but there will be increased high clouds.

On Wednesday, increased average and high clouds will be observed.