Thursday, May 18, 2023


 Pafos Live 18 May 2023

The implementation of the sewerage system Polis Chrysochous, based on the commitments of Cyprus for the implementation of the relevant European Directive, was pending for many years. Since 2005, when the relevant decisions of the Council of Ministers were taken, the project has remained in the drawers for various reasons.

With our election to the Mayor of our city, we began to work intensively for the implementation of this project, which has now become necessary for the further development of our city and the wider region.

It is for this reason that we launched an intensive campaign to put the project back on track and today we are pleased to see that our efforts have begun to bring results.

In 2020, we prepared the Roadmap and Action Plan with timetables for the implementation of the project, which we submitted to the competent Interministerial Committee.

Subsequently, the Council, based on a relevant Feasibility Study prepared, determined the annual sewerage fees as defined by the Law and from 2021 sewerage fees began to be imposed on owners of immovable property.

From 2021, the preparation of SAPOCH Budgets and their submission to the Ministry of Interior for approval also began, another condition set by the Government.

In order to make the project viable, we have asked and continue to ask the Government to provide substantial assistance to SAPOC, as it has done to other similar, small-sized sewerage systems.

Following the steps of SAPOX, for substantial Government assistance in the implementation of the project, the WDD undertook, as the most experienced government body, the execution of the project, by announcing the necessary tenders for the preparation of the studies and the supervision of the projects.

Today we are pleased to inform our citizens that the relevant call for tenders WDD 13/2023 for the Provision of Services for the Study/Design of the wastewater collection network in the Municipality of Polis Chrysochous, the preparation of Tender Documents for the Design, Construction, Operation and Maintenance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant and the supervision of these Projects has been published in the Electronic Public Procurement System.

According to the notice, the estimated value of the Contract amounts to 1,190,000 euros, while bids should be submitted on June 20, 2023.

The studies and tender documents for the construction projects are expected to start around September-October 2023 and be ready before summer 2024, while construction works are expected to start in March 2024.

At this point, the Sewerage Board of Polis Chrysochous expresses its warm thanks to the competent Government Departments and especially to the Water Development Department for the significant assistance it provides for the implementation of the project. We are confident that the experience and expertise of WDD ensure the successful implementation of this ambitious and very important development project of our city and the wider region.

On behalf of TPOH members

Yiotis Papachristofi

Mayor of Polis Chrysochous

President SAPOCH