Tuesday, December 13, 2022


 Filenews 13 December 2022

Without resolving the social and humanitarian issue of animal protection, President Nicos Anastasiades completes his term of office, despite the fact that he committed to implement the European Convention that the Republic of Cyprus signed in 1990 as well as the relevant state laws, the Cyprus Society for the Protection of Animals says.

In a letter to the President of the Republic and the Ministers of Agriculture and Interior, the Cyprus Society for the Protection of Animals notes that the relevant laws "are violated daily or despised not only by citizens but also by state services such as the Veterinary Services, the Police and the Local Authorities".

He adds that "the issue is very serious and exposes us as a society while there are also repercussions in the field of public health and safety and the economy".

As mentioned, the Cyprus Society for the Protection of Animals has already sent its recommendations in this regard, which it explained in more detail in a meeting with the Minister of Agriculture three years ago but were not taken into account.

He characterizes as disheartening the behaviour of the state towards animal lovers who struggle under adverse conditions and at personal cost to help protect animals, an area where our country is lagging behind.

"You are leaving, we will remain and continue our struggle, always with one hope", concludes the letter of the President of the Cyprus Society for the Protection of Animals, Toula Pogiatzi, which was shared with the media.