Monday, June 27, 2022


 Filenews 27 June 2022 - by Angelos Nicolaou

The Department of Environment calls on the citizens to immediately remove the various types of nets, so that wildlife species are not trapped and killed. For prophylaxis against the bite of the viper, the public is urged to keep their spaces clean, not to leave food exposed in their space, never to try to capture or kill snakes, not to go to places where there are very dense and tall grasses, while if they will find themselves in such areas to wear sturdy and long boots and never to put their hands uncovered in bushes, under stones, logs and the like. Furthermore, citizens may fence their property with very thin metal wire (teli), so that, on the one hand, reptiles cannot pass through it, and on the other hand, they are not trapped in it and various species of wildlife die.

According to the Department of Environment, the value of snakes in the environment is great, since they regulate, among other things, the numbers of rodents that exist in an ecosystem, without the need to place poisons, with which other animals are killed, in addition to mice and rats.

The Department of Environment had recently received complaints about the detection of a large number of fishing nets in various areas of the municipalities and communities of the Famagusta District, in which various species of reptiles, birds and mammals were trapped dead. All species, it notes, were trapped in the nets in a way that they could not be released and died under the intense weather conditions, of 40°C, without food and water.

Despite all the efforts that had been made, he adds, the phenomenon continues, as a result of which more and more species of wildlife are killed and we have again complaints from foreign tourists and permanent residents in the area. In order to deal with this phenomenon, an operation began a few days ago to remove nets and inform the owners of the premises. The campaign took place in the area of Ayia Napa and Cape Greco and was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, the Department of Environment, the Department of Veterinary Services, representatives of the Municipality of Ayia Napa and the Cyprus Police.

The points where there were nets, for which the complaints had been made, were more than 12. During the operation, while the points were being located on the spot, an attempt was made by the Police and the Municipal Authority, in the first stage, to identify and inform the owners and, after there was consent to intervene in their private property, the removal of the nets followed. It is noted that the amount of nets removed was very large and the campaign will continue with the support of the Municipal Authorities and the Police.

22 species of reptiles in Cyprus

In Cyprus we find 22 species of reptiles including eight species of snakes, of which one endemic species and one endemic subspecies. The snakes of our country are generally "peaceful" beings and do not attack man until they are annoyed and /or feel threatened. Of the eight snakes found in Cyprus, three are poisonous, but only one is dangerous for humans, the viper. Its characteristic external features are its triangular head, thick body and short tail.