Sunday, July 11, 2021


 Filenews 11 July 2021

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Nikos Christodoulides, will inform the EU Foreign Affairs Council tomorrow, Monday, of the latest developments in relation to the Cyprus issue, with particular emphasis on the issue of the Famagusta enclave, in view of the announced illegal visit of the Turkish President to the occupied territories on 20 July.

According to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mr Christodoulides is going to Brussels tonight to participate in the work of the Council which takes place tomorrow.

As part of the Council's work, under the current affairs section, the Foreign Ministers of the Member States will be given information by the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, on the situation in Afghanistan as it has developed since the latest developments, as well as on the next steps towards tackling the situation in Lebanon.

In the same article, Mr Christodoulides will inform the Council of the latest developments in relation to the Cyprus issue, with particular emphasis on the issue of the Famagusta enclave, in view of the illegal visit of the Turkish President to the occupied territories announced as 20 July, noted in the communication.

Furthermore, Foreign Ministers will exchange views on the geopolitical implications of the use of digital technologies, as well as on progress in the development of the EU Strategic Compass, with a view to further strengthening the Union's role as a reliable participant in the international security system.

During the working lunch, Ministers will have the opportunity to exchange views with the Alternate Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Israel, Yyir Lapid, on issues related to the EU's relations with the country, on regional issues of common interest, as well as on the Middle East peace process.

Before the start of the Council, Mr Christodoulides will present a working breakfast to his counterparts, invited by Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shukri, during which EU-Egypt relations are expected to be discussed, as well as a range of regional and international issues of common interest.

Finally, in the margins of the Council's work, the Minister for Foreign Affairs is expected to have a series of contacts, including separate meetings with the French Foreign Minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, and with the European Commissioner for Neighbourhood and Enlargement, Oliver Varheli, with whom he will discuss issues of common interest respectively.
