Sunday, July 11, 2021


 Filenews 11 July 2021 - by Kostas Venizelos

All the steps that will be taken in Famagusta by the occupying Turkey have been shaped and, at this stage, Ankara and the pseudo-state are working to implement them. Turkish Prime President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who will visit the occupied territories on July 20, the day of the anniversary of the Turkish invasion, has asked his subordinates to have everything ready.

He has asked for a list of what he can do during his stay, such as an opening (hospital, infrastructure projects, air base, mosque, water facilities, etc.), so he can choose.  But it is clear that attention is focused on the Famagusta issue and what Erdogan himself will announce.  To this end, two visits were recently made by Turkish officials, Vice-President Fuat Octai, and Foreign Minister Mevlut Tsavousoglu to prepare the ground and deal with the outstanding issues.

In the occupied territories the issue is handled by the so-called Supreme Coordinating Council, which includes politicians and military, with the upper hand being held by Turkey's so-called ambassador, Ali Murat Basceri. The latter is said to often loudly shout at occupying officials as they move slowly and are characterised by procrastination in the promotion and implementation of the above directives.

As far as Famagusta is concerned, the first step is expected to be to declassify the area from military to residential and to be placed under the command of the pseudo-state. The decision will be made by the so-called cabinet and this is expected to be done before Erdogan's arrival and it is not out of the question that he will announce it himself.

Based on the plan, immediately after the declassification of the area, Erdogan will invite The Greek Cypriot owners to apply for restoration, exchange or compensation, to the so-called committee of the occupying regime.

According to our secure information, the area is located at a point next to the populated area, which was also selected for practical reasons (for the issues of electricity, water, telecommunications). It covers just over 3% of the enclosure, has 496 pieces of real estate, for which there are 681 titles owned by Greek Cypriots. Relevant information indicates that 33 owners of this area have appealed to the so-called commission.

Ankara with the target of this region is largely aiming to lure Greek Cypriots into a time-consuming process through the so-called commission. However, it is reportedly not out of the question that a small number of applications should be dealt with quickly in order to encourage others.

It is clear that if this pilot "works", the Turks will proceed slowly with the rest of the enclosed area and at some point will operate uniformly with the rest of the city, which has been colonized. It is noted that the enclosed area covers 17% of the occupied Famagusta. All moves are also made in a way that will not provoke - as they want Ankara to believe - a reaction from third parties.

As far as the works in progress are concerned, the Turkish side is preparing the opening of a beach, next to the first one that opened, in front of the King George Hotel and the AKAION restaurant, near the entrance of the enclosure. They also build "facilities" in public places, such as a police station, fire department, health centre. They also prepare "rest areas"! Erdogan, however, during his illegal visit to Famagusta, has "ordered" a pilgrimage to the Bilal Aga mosque, which is close to St. Nicholas Church and is being renovated. Further, he will go to the public garden, which has been cleaned, to have tea with Tatar and their entourage.

Actions by the Republic of Cyprus

The Republic of Cyprus is taking steps to prevent the new fait accompli announced by Erdogan concerning occupied Famagusta. Apart from the briefing made to all members of the Security Council and our partners in the European Union, with letters and telephone communications from the President and the Foreign Minister, it is clear that Nicosia is investing in the personal intervention of international players, such as Biden, Macron, Johnson and Lavrov, towards Erdogan himself. At the same time, some ideas for policies within the European Union have been worked out, and attention is also on New York in view of the security council debate the day after Erdogan's visit to the occupied territories.

It is clear that the reactions in the international field are greater for Famagusta than, for example, Turkey's illegal investigations into the Cypriot EEZ. But what is important is that this reaction also has an effect. That's what it's all about.

In each appeal, the E/C wedge of the E.B.C.

The problematic functioning of the so-called occupying regime committee concerns Ankara. Mainly for its effectiveness but also the fact that legally it can be challenged. This, as we are informed, has led, inter alia, the occupying regime to request a legal investigation into the rights of royal property. The "committee" from 2018-2020 had no money because Turkey did not send a transfer. A small amount was then sent for its maintenance, and a budget was included in the recent Memorandum of Cooperation between Turkey and the pseudo-state.

The Turks aim to lead all Greek Cypriots to time-consuming procedures. In each appeal, the EKKAF is expected to declare an interested party. The 'dispute' will not be resolved in the 'committee', but in the 'courts' of the occupying regime. So anyone can see what's going to happen and how long it's going to last. In addition to the recognition of "institutions" of the illegal form.

All the risks, however, will be explained by the President of the Republic in his statements after the meeting of the National Council, which he has convened for next Wednesday.