Tuesday, April 27, 2021


 Filenews 27 April 2021

The Cyprus Animal Party, in the context of the training and enlightenment of citizens on animal welfare and protection issues and always bearing in mind the Human Being, animals, nature, for one health and one well-being, promotes and welcomes the excellent effort of the small volunteers of the 1st grade of a Primary School on the island.

According to the party's announcement, this effort was transformed into a beautiful video, possible in messages, sending it to all of us in order to raise awareness and at the same time promote volunteering.

So with the slogan "Don't buy, but adopt", small volunteers send a strong message to citizens to embrace this effort and at the same time promote together volunteering and the message of adopting animals and refusing to buy them.

As noted, "we could not help but support their excellent and pleasant effort and we thank them! We, together with these children and the innocent soul with their clear feelings, send the message: "We do not buy but we adopt dogs from the shelters.

Over time, if we all follow the advice and effort of our little friends and volunteers, the number of abandoned dogs and cats will decrease and our society and state will be more beautiful and with fewer problems, pain and misery.

Our little friends continue your beautiful effort and actions for the good of all the animals and the state that you are part of, giving the strongest example to emulate.

Source: eyenews