Tuesday, April 27, 2021

VACCINES - PREVENT DEATH, INFECTION NOT FULLY, TRANSMISSION [and side effects of the various vaccines]

 Filenews 27 April 2021 - by Marilena Panagi

They prevent death and serious disease, do not provide sterile immunity to prevent infection and possible transmission of the coronavirus, which requires continuous observance of personal protection measures after vaccination. Headaches,  nausea, fatigue, the common side effects caused by available vaccines, but which vary in intensity and frequency depending on the vaccine, age and individual. In severe reports, extremely rare cases of thrombosis accompanied by thrombocytopenia, recorded in two of the four vaccines and most likely for mRNA technology vaccines, at least from manufacturers' declarations, will need a third dose over six to eight months.

The data recorded to date, with the completion of the first four months since the start of the vaccination process, in Europe and America give clues to scientists who have yet to come up with safe findings on a number of issues.

But some questions have already been answered, confirming in most cases the initial estimates of the scientific community.

From experience so far, it has been confirmed that vaccination, with any of the vaccines available and approved by the European Medicines Agency, prevents:

- Death.

- The serious disease.

- To a very large extent the development of symptoms.

At the same time, however, and as can now be seen in practice, vaccination does not completely prevent:

- Infection of the vaccinated person with the virus.

- The possibility of transmission of the virus from a vaccinated person, to another person vaccinated or not.

Both of these findings have been confirmed in Cyprus:

- The average age of patients admitted to hospitals has fallen to 58 years since admissions of people over 70 years of age who have been vaccinated with both doses of vaccines have decreased significantly.

- The majority of deaths recorded in recent times involve people with no vaccination history.

On the other hand:

- Several people who had been vaccinated with both doses of the vaccine were infected with the virus and were found to have spread it to other people.

- Example of the 13 elderly in a nursing home.

- Health professionals working in the same ward of the state hospital as well as other private hospital health professionals.

With regard to the occurrence of post-vaccination side effects, data in both Cyprus and Europe and America show that the vast majority of the side effects recorded are mild and any symptoms that occur subside over only a few days.

The frequency and intensity of common side effects recorded varies between vaccines and between people of different age groups.

Detailed data from the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention

Pfizer's embolio - After the second dose the side effects are distributed as follows:

- People up to 55 years of age experience 78% pain at the injection site, which was also recorded in 66% of people over 55 years of age.

- Fever occurs in 16% of people under 55 years of age and 11% of people over 55 years of age.

- Fatigue, in people under 55 years of age is recorded at 59% and in people over 55 years of age at 51%.

- Headache, in people under 55 years of age, occurs in 52% and 39%, in people over 55 years of age.

- Nausea/vomiting occurs in 2% of people under 55 years of age and 1% of people over 55 years of age.

- Myalgia occurs in 37% of people under 55 years of age and 29% of people over 55 years of age.

Moderna vaccine - According to the data so far:

- Pain at the injection site presents 90% of people under 64 years of age and 83% of people over 64 years of age.

- Fever occurs in 7% of people under 64 years of age and 10% of people over 64 years of age.

- Fatigue occurs in 68% of people under 64 years of age and 58% of people over 64 years of age.

- Headache occurs in 63% of people under 64 years of age and 46% of people over 64 years of age.

- Nausea/vomiting is recorded in 21% of people under 64 years of age and 12% of people over 64 years of age.

- Myalgia occurs in 61% of people under 64 years of age and 47% in people over 64 years of age.

J&J vaccine

- Pain at the injection site is recorded in 59% of people under 59 years of age and 33% of people over 59 years of age.

- Fever occurs in 13% of people under 59 years of age and 3% of people over 59 years of age.

- Fatigue is recorded in 44% of people under 59 years of age and 30% of those over 59 years of age.

- Headache in 44% of people under 59 years of age and 30% of people over 59 years of age.

- Nausea/vomiting occurs by 16% in people under 59 years of age and in 12% of people over 59 years of age.

- Myalgia is recorded in 39% of people under 59 years of age and 24% of those over 59 years of age.

AstraZeneca vaccine

With regard to the AstraZeneca vaccine, according to the European Medicines Agency (the vaccine is not given in the USA).

- More than one in ten vaccine takers may experience pain and sensitivity at the injection site, headache, fatigue, myalgia, shivering, fever, arthralgia and nausea.

- Less than one in ten may experience vomiting, diarrhoea, swelling at the injection site and thrombocytopenia.

- In less than one in 100 take-aways, swelling of the lymph nodes, decreased appetite, dizziness, drowsiness, sweating, abdominal pain, itching and eczema may occur.

- Thrombosis in combination with thrombocytopenia is expected to occur in fewer than one in 100,000 taker.