Tuesday, April 20, 2021


 Filenews 20 April 2021

Pharmaceutical companies are fighting to shield the population from coronavirus mutations. As part of the preparations, American Moderna announced that the third dose of the vaccine will be ready in the fall.

The company's chief executive, Stefan Bansell, told the CNBC network that three different types of doses were examined to determine which is more effective against the South African mutation.

The aim, according to the CEO of the company, is to cover a large portion before the advent of winter.

At the same time, scientists' concern about the rapid dispersion of variations from Britain, South Africa and Brazil is evident.

As Bansel pointed out, it is possible that between six months and a year, since someone received the second dose, the effectiveness of the vaccine has fallen from 70% to 80%.

In the study for the third dose, three different types of dose will be administered to the volunteers, which are a renewed version of the Moderna formulation.

The new dose will be based on the protein-spike of South Africa's new variant strain.

Burla: Third dose of vaccine in 6 to 12 months after the first two

Pfizer's chief executive, Albert Burla, stood by the possibility that a third vaccination was needed a few days ago.

In particular, he stated that a new vaccination may be necessary within six to twelve months after the second dose has been administered.

Mr Bourla also stressed that vaccination against coronavirus should perhaps be carried out on an annual basis.

"It is extremely important to protect the group of people who may be susceptible to the virus," Mr. Burla said in a discussion hosted by the CNBC network, adding that vaccines will help fight highly contagious mutations.

The third dose aims to shield against mutant coronavirus strains, and already 144 volunteers have registered to participate.

Source: eyenews/protothema.com.au