Friday, April 2, 2021


Filenews 2 April 2021 

The national report with the presentation and analysis of the deaths of our fellow citizens from Covid-19 until 31 March, was published today by the Ministry of Health.

According to statistical data, in the month of March, 28 deaths with the underlying cause of COVID-19 disease have been recorded.

89% of the deceased had as permanent residence the Limassol Province.

The data analysis period is March 2020 to March 2021. As of March 31, 2021, 313 deaths of people diagnosed with COVID-19 have been reported. 67% are for men (n=211 deaths) and the remaining 33% for women (n=102 deaths).

Of the 313 deaths, 259 (83%), had an underlying cause of COVID-19. 66% of the total number of deaths with the underlying cause of COVID-19 disease, concerns men (n=172 deaths) and the remaining 34% concern women (n=87 deaths).

In December 2020 and January 2021 the highest number of deaths of people positive for COVID-19 has been recorded since the beginning of the pandemic, with the figure reaching 54% of the total number of deaths (85 and 86 deaths respectively). In 2021, the rate of deaths (with the underlying cause of death of COVID-19) among people aged 70-79 increased by 64% compared to 2020, while the rate of deaths of people aged 80 and over decreased by 19%.

In March 2021, 31 deaths were recorded, of which 28 relate to deaths with the underlying cause of COVID-19 disease and 89% were permanently resident in Limassol Province. The highest rate of deaths of people positive for COVID-19, with the underlying cause of death of COVID-19, concerns people with permanent residence in Limassol Province (n=95.37%) and then Nicosia province (n=89, 34%).

Limassol has the highest mortality rate per 100000 population (37.5 deaths per 100000 population).

Source: eyenews