Monday, November 30, 2020


 Cyprus Mail 30 November 2020 - by Gina Agapiou

The health ministry on Monday issued clarifications about which establishments will be closing at 7pm starting this week.

Those businesses include restaurants, taverns, cafeterias, bars, snack-bars and canteens that might belong to sports or cultural clubs or associations.

Food courts in shopping malls must also close at 7pm, the ministry said.

“Reservations must not exceed six persons per table, while the maximum number of people indoors is set at 75 and 150 people outdoors subject to the measure of one person per three square metres indoors and at least two square metres outdoors,” the announcement added.

Businesses are not allowed to serve people at the bar.

Dining areas within hotels may stay open until 10.30pm, serving only people who are spending the night there.

Delivery of food and drinks is allowed after 7pm without any further restrictions.

The earlier closure of restaurants was part of the new measures to contain the spread of coronavirus announced by the health ministry on Friday.

The measures, implemented starting Monday, include a 9pm curfew nationwide.