Monday, November 30, 2020


 Cyprus Mail 30 November 2020 - by George Psyllides

Cyprus Airways said Monday that its planned new weekly flight operation from Larnaca to Moscow’s Domodedovo airport, which was scheduled to start at the end of November will not be available for sale after Russian authorities placed restrictions on the airline.

According to a statement, Russian authorities recently limited or completely prohibited Cyprus Airways to carry passengers to the Russian Federation.

“We are extremely disappointed with the discrimination and unfair treatment of the Russian authorities against Cyprus Airways, taking into consideration that two Russian air carriers recently started operations on the route Moscow-Larnaca-Moscow without having similar restrictions by the Russian authorities,” George Mavrocostas, chief operations officer said.

“This violates the principle of equal treatment underlining the bilateral air services agreement between the Republic of Cyprus and the Russian Federation.”

The company is relying on the Cyprus government’s assistance to protect fair and equal opportunities to the air carriers of each side, hoping that current obstacles in the air traffic between the two countries will soon be resolved to the mutual benefit of Russian and Cypriot air carriers.

Once the issue is clarified, the company will officially announce reopening of sales for the sector Larnaca – Moscow.

Flights from Moscow to Larnaca operate normally and are available for sale on