Thursday, March 6, 2025


 Pafos Live 6 March 2025

The procedures for the reconstruction of the Geroskipou swimming pool of Olympic standards are progressing, according to the Municipality of Ierokipia. The period for the submission of tenders for the reconstruction of the Geroskipou swimming pool, which has been out of operation since the end of May 2022, was already completed on February 28. 

In a relevant announcement, it is stated that in order to prevent a possible collapse of the pool and until the completion of the workouts, the Municipality had temporarily installed columns. 

The works concern the replacement of the metal walls of the pool, which present issues of extensive oxidation and static, with others of concrete, as well as electromechanical repairs, interventions on the paving where stagnant water is observed and on the perimeter of the pool (channel), checking the tightness of the tank after the completion of all construction works, as well as the installation of new liner materials. 

The cost is estimated at  €360,000 and most of it will be covered by a fund from the Cyprus Sports Organization, it added. 

The swimming pool was built in 2004 and cost around €7 million, including maintenance costs. The pool was constructed with the prefabricated method by a Spanish company, representatives of which travelled to Geroskipou to assemble the materials.