Filenews 21 January 2025 - by Fanis Makrides
Serbian life imprisoner Dejan Loj gave an online interview to an English-language media (podcast) from the Central Prison, mobilizing the competent authorities.
The fact became known yesterday morning in police circles -and not only- when video material was released on the internet advertising (trailer) the interview of the sentenced to life imprisonment Serbian bodyguard in an English media (Not Guilty TV Pod Cast).
Two key issues have been raised from the outset. The first has to do with the much-discussed issue of mobile phone use by convicts and prisoners in Central Prisons. The other issue concerns what Dejan Loi has charged to the justice system of the Republic of Cyprus.
He presented himself as a victim, stating that he had no involvement in the quadruple murder atAyia Napa (Stone Garden) that occurred on June 23, 2016. We remind you that this crime resulted in the murder of Loi's employer, Phanos Kalopsidiotis, police member Ilias Hadjiefthymiou, his wife Skevis and one of the two Albanian executioners, Ghani Vogli.

As "F" was duly informed, measures were taken by the Prison Administration regarding the case, as Loi's cell was searched, from where various documents were received.
Our newspaper contacted the deputy director of the penitentiary, Kostas Konstantinidis, who confirmed the above. As he told us, from the first moment the investigation team was activated and Loi's cell was searched.
In response to our question, he confirmed that a broken mobile phone had been received from Dejan Loy's cell. Mr. Konstantinidis clarified that the consequences faced by the detainee are of a disciplinary nature. He referred us to the bill that will soon be forwarded to Parliament to criminalize the use of mobile phones in prisons.
The deputy director of the Central Prison assured that strenuous and continuous efforts are being made to address phenomena of use of mobile phones by prisoners and other prohibited items. He explained that other preventive measures are being taken, stressing that the use of such items has been greatly restricted.
He also referred to the system for deactivating mobile phones, the installation of which will address the issue of the use of telephones.
For this system, however, based on public statements made in the recent past, developments are expected in the second half of this year.
As "F" is aware, the Minister of Justice, Marios Hartsiotis, is also informed about the matter. It should be noted that yesterday the Minister opened a cycle of visits to police departments (Famagusta and Larnaka) in the context of the implementation of the reorganization of the Police Force.
The leadership of the Police was also reportedly informed.
Dejan Loy also implicated members of the police
- There was a reaction of a former deputy chief of police, Andreas Kyriakou, and the removal of a specific photo
- "No involvement with the investigation of the case"
In his online interview (podcast), Dejan Loi, as we noted, gave other dimensions, since he appears to talk about a system of corruption that led to his life sentence for the murder of Phanos Kalopsidiotis (according to the Assize Court, Loy conspired with the people who wanted Kalopsidiotis' death).

The show's managers used in one of the promotional videos (trailer) of the show that was expected to air last night, a photo of the former deputy chief of police, Andreas Kyriakou.
As Mr. Kyriacou informed "F", the people in charge of the show after his reaction removed the relevant photo, attributing its use to a production error, while he stressed that he has absolutely nothing to do with the police investigation that had taken place since the summer of 2016 for the quadruple murder.

Mr. Kyriacou told us: "I have seen with surprise my photo in this trailer. I want to clarify that I had no involvement in the investigation of the whole affair. My dismissal, through the mouth of the then President of the Republic Nicos Anastasiades during the swearing-in of the deputy chief who succeeded me, Mr. Kypros Michaelides, was clear before all journalists. The President had clearly said that "the dismissal of Mr. Andreas Kyriacou has nothing to do with corruption issues." And my persecution was, I repeat, a frame-up. It was only intended to pause me. Unfortunately, the then Attorney General, who knows very well that he had no trace of testimony, decided to prosecute me and the fact that there was no testimony is confirmed by the later known course of the case. Let me remind you of the Attorney General's non-compliance with Court decrees and Supreme Court decisions, in order to give us the conclusion of the investigation on the basis of which our prosecution was sought. The trial, it was obvious because it never began. And in the end, they were forced to arrange for the suspension of my criminal prosecution, again led by the Legal Service, whose officer was taking charges and urging my lawyer to write a letter to the Attorney General, requesting a stay of the case. And the mind was understood."
Dejan Loi's lawyer, Loizos Neophytou, speaking to "F" about the matter, said he had no knowledge of his client's interview. However, he said he believed his client was innocent. "He was not involved in the murder," Loizou said, stressing that he was currently preparing to make legal representations on behalf of Dejan Loi.

Loy's conviction on 8/9/2017
Dejan Loy on 8/9/2017 was sentenced along with Panagiotis Pentafkas to life imprisonment by the permanent Assize Court of Larnaka – Famagusta. They were found guilty on charges of conspiracy to commit murder, premeditated murder, acts of intent to cause grievous bodily harm and possession of weapons and ammunition. The court sentenced the defendants to an additional 15 years in prison for attempted murder, while Pendayka received an additional seven-year prison sentence for setting fire to the attackers' car. Although there was no direct testimony against Dejan Loy, the Assize Court had found that sufficient circumstantial evidence had been presented. On the basis of this, which was accepted by the Assize Court, while the security guard of Kalopsidiotis was present, on the evening of June 23, 2016, he informed Pentafka by sms message that his employer was at the Stone Garden restaurant, so that the perpetrators could strike in the specific area. According to the verdict, Loy had gone to the bathroom shortly before the attack and exited when the crime was completed, as agreed. Based on the ruling, Loy himself was condemned by what he said in his statement to the police, which he allegedly refuted in his sworn testimony in court.