Filenews 23 January 2025
Mr. Hartsiotis was the speaker of an event organized by Agia Fylaxeos High School and the Parents' Association, on "Juvenile violence and delinquency", during which positions were raised and concerns and concerns of the attendees were expressed.
In his address, the Minister said that "in the last two years we have not stayed at a theoretical level but have proceeded to practical and substantial actions", while expressing the conviction that "in these actions we will find supporters and companions of all actors without exception, because without them, these practical actions may have an effect, but it will never be the desired one. because they will be isolated actions of the executive branch alone."
Juvenile delinquency, he pointed out, is not a problem that concerns only the Police and the Government in general, but concerns students, parents, school units, the local community, "whose contribution is of decisive importance in preventing and dealing with juvenile delinquency".
Marios Hartsiotis referred to the various forms of violence and delinquency in a school unit and the impact it brings to the family, the school and society, stressing that it is necessary to inform and sensitize parents, who "unfortunately, in many cases, are not able to perceive that their child is a victim of bullying and support it".
Referring to the Government's actions, he reminded that recently, the Council of Ministers, following a proposal by the Minister of Education, approved specific measures to prevent and combat school violence, such as the implementation of the protocol for reporting incidents of violence and delinquency on an electronic platform of the Observatory for Violence in Schools of the Pedagogical Institute, the introduction of preventive programs at younger ages, The implementation of programs for the development of a culture of acceptance of diversity and the alternative curriculum, which will operate on a pilot basis with a small number of children.
He added that "the Government, recognizing the important role played by Local Government, proceeded to the establishment of Local Delinquency Prevention Councils, an institution that substantially complements the institutions of Community Policing and the Neighbourhood Police and Observer."
Recently, he continued, the Council of Ministers approved the pilot implementation of the Local Council for the Prevention of Delinquency in the Limassol Municipality and noted that specific individuals and specific infrastructure should be established, while indicating that, according to the previous municipal authorities of the city, this infrastructure is ready for operation.
"The central axis of our approaches to issues of violence and delinquency in schools or even in society is their child-centred treatment, the reform and support of children and their families for the benefit of the healthy and proper functioning of school units, the student community and our society," he added.
On this principle, he noted, the philosophy of the Law on Children is based in conflict with the law, the responsibility for the implementation of which lies with the Ministry of Justice, while as he explained "the aim is not to punish the child in conflict with the law, but to understand the reasons that led him to delinquent behaviour and the consequences of his act and to receive the necessary support of the competent Services or treatment to avoid repetition delinquent conduct'.
At the same time, he stated that the basic principle of the law is that the criminal prosecution of a child is the last measure and applies only in exceptional cases, if the alternative measures for the management of delinquency provided by law are applied and do not succeed or in very serious offenses.
Referring to the Menogeia Juvenile Detention Center, which according to the Law should start operating no later than January 1, 2026, Marios Hartsiotis said that the location proves ideal to avoid reactions from other areas where it could be hosted. "Wherever the executive power appeals to create a structure, local communities and institutions do not accept it, without even asking what it is and what it aims at," he said.
He also said that for the proper functioning of the Centre, the relevant regulations have been fully processed and have passed through legislative control, "and they are currently being discussed before Parliament and we expect that soon they will be ready to proceed with our plans".
Among the actions to tackle juvenile violence, he continued, is the establishment of the institution of the guardian "which essentially acts as the link of the Police with other involved Services" and which, as he indicated, its role is to ensure that children in conflict with the law enjoy the rights provided by law in all out-of-court procedures.
As he noted, since May 10, 2024, when this work was assigned to a private company, until today, curators have handled about 400 cases nationwide, "incidents that if it were not for the curators, might not have surfaced and been swept under the carpet".
Saying that the best weapon against violence, especially in adolescence and youth, is mutual respect and empathy, the Minister reiterated the need for collectivity.
He also noted that today's event coincides with the decision of the Council of Ministers, according to which people who turn 17 have the right to vote and stressed that "the State credits them and shows them in the most practical way its trust in them, in relation to their thinking and judgment".
Finally, he assured that the views and suggestions that will be heard in the discussion "will be studied very seriously and will be used to the maximum extent possible to achieve our common goal of a school and a society without violence and delinquency".
The event was also welcomed by the representative of the Ministry of Education, Senior Educational Psychologist Andri Theoklis Ramirez, the Director of the School, Andreas Chimonas, the President of the Parents' Association, Michalis Vassiliou and the President of the Central Student Council, Alexandros Pelekanos.