Friday, June 14, 2024


 Filenews 14 June 2024 - by Dora Christodoulou

The domestic quarrel between a Bulgarian couple in Tremithousa, Paphos, earlier this morning had a tragic end. The woman is dead with knife blows estimated by the examinations so far that her husband managed her, while he has also been injured and is being treated under guard at Paphos Hospital.

The most tragic aspect of the new femicide is that two minor children are now left without a mother and with the father bearing the brunt of the horrific incident.

The tragedy occurred in an apartment complex in an area of Tremithousa where foreigners live and a strong police force is located in the area that has cordoned off the scene and started collecting evidence, taking statements and examining the circumstances that led to the tragedy.

Eyewitnesses told "F" that fights, shouting and screaming could be heard from the apartment of the two Bulgarians, while at some point both the woman and the man appeared from different exits of the apartment building on the ground floor, both bearing blood from wounds.

These witnesses stressed that the woman was still alive, although visibly in a very bad condition, having landed on the ground and tried to provide first aid, trying to use towels to stop her heavy bleeding. The man had blood on his clothes and remained at the scene, at a different point from his wife, until the arrival of the ambulance.

The woman was pronounced dead when the ambulance arrived at Paphos Hospital, while the husband is being treated under guard.

The couple have two minor children who were not at home at the time of the murder and will now be dealt with by the competent state department.

Investigations into the circumstances of the tragedy are ongoing.