Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Cyprus Mail 29 June 2024

Following the outcry against police which came after a 41-year-old woman was murdered in Paphos amid allegations officers dragged their feet, the police chief has issued written orders to all members of the force.

According to a leaked letter dated June 21, all officers operating emergency lines 112 and 199 have been ordered to pick up the phone within 10 seconds.

The order also details which cases require an immediate dispatch to the scene and when there is room for delay.

Published in Politis, the orders come after two police officers were suspended, after complaints emerged that police did not promptly arrive at the scene after the woman, Petya Krateva, fought with her ex-husband.

In total, seven officers are under investigation after neighbours reported calling the police when they heard the couple fighting violently.

They claimed they were transferred between departments before reaching the correct officers, who eventually responded. Neighbours said police arrived late and could have prevented the woman’s death.

The police chief’s order guides staff to always treat citizens with respect and be guided with professionalism.

The top priority should be to immediately help the public, not direct them to a different service or line. This could worsen an urgent case, the letter said.