Friday, June 28, 2024


 Filenews 28 June 2024 - by Angelos Nicolaou

The framework of actions for effectively tackling the phenomenon of illegal and uncontrolled waste dumping is currently presented by the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, with the support of the Ministry of Interior, the Union of Municipalities, the Union of Communities, the Commissioner for Citizens, the Cyprus Police, the Game and Fauna Service and other government bodies, as well as representatives of NGOs.

This is an initiative of the Ministry of Agriculture to strengthen the tools available to local authorities, with the ultimate goal of getting Cyprus rid of illegal garbage dumps (#wastefreecyprus).

The plan includes six actions:

1) Clean-up campaign from illegal garbage dumps. With the aim of short-term cleaning of illegal and uncontrolled waste disposal sites in Municipalities and Communities, the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment starts funding the cleaning of the points where there is a systematic dumping of garbage. To finance the cleaning campaign in 2024, an amount of up to €1.5 million will be allocated, which is included in the Budget of the Department of Environment of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment.

2) Legal tools There are two powerful tools in the legislation of the Department of Environment that can be used to help prevent the recurrence of illegal dumping. a) The utilization of extrajudicial fines of up to €20,000 to those who cause pollution (water, soil) or proceed or allow the illegal dumping of waste. b) The reinforcement of inspections and controls by increasing the number of inspectors of the Department of Environment and the appointment of Inspectors of Local Government Authorities.

3) Extending Producer Responsibility With a view to the targeted application of the polluter pays principle towards effective management of specific waste streams, extended producer responsibility is promoted in other waste streams to enhance prevention and reusability.

4) Rehabilitation of Uncontrolled Waste Management Sites (illegal landfills). The Water Development Department (Competent Body following a relevant Decision of the Council of Ministers) continues the rehabilitation process in the 47 illegal landfills in the Limassol District and the execution of the construction works for the rehabilitation of the 24 illegal landfills in the Nicosia District. It is noted that the rehabilitation of illegal landfills is a co-funded project of the programming period 2021-2027.

5) Creation of a Satisfactory Network of Infrastructure and Facilities for Waste Management One of the reasons that perpetuates the problem of illegal and Uncontrolled Waste Dumping is the lack of infrastructure. We believe that the creation and implementation of an adequate network of green points will contribute significantly to reducing the phenomenon. To this end, the Green Points Network is being revised in order to further thicken than originally planned and achieve adequate coverage at pancyprian level by 2027. By the end of 2024, 3 new Green Points will be completed (Troulloi, Ayia Napa and Avgorou), while the siting of an additional 8 Green Points has been finalized, the construction of which begins within the next few months. The expansion of the Green Points Network has already been included in the National Recovery and Resilience Fund Plan.

6) Information and awareness raising The achievement of the goals for an integrated transition to a Green Growth and Circular Economy but also to a Cyprus free of waste, depends significantly on informing and raising public awareness. Without the active participation and environmental awareness that each and every one of us must have, it is not possible to implement the necessary measures.

"To reach a Cyprus completely free of illegal rubbish dumps, to achieve the #wastefreecyprus which is our slogan, requires time, collective action and holistic planning. This is not only a goal, it is an investment in the future and the place we want to live and do business. The road to sustainability is not easy, but it requires action immediately", the Minister of Agriculture pointed out.