Saturday, June 29, 2024


 Filenews 28 June 2024 - by Marilena Panayi

A dentist and a dermatologist see the exit door from the GHS since, according to the preliminary investigation of the Health Insurance Organisation, they submitted claims for compensation and were paid for services that they never offered to patients.

In the case of the dentist, according to the HIO, and "based on the information available to the Organisation before it, it appears that the provider had submitted claims for compensation and had therefore been compensated for carrying out activities that may not have been carried out by the dentist in question but by another dentist not registered with the GHS".

The HIO, according to the relevant information, has appointed an investigating officer who, after recording in full detail all the necessary data, will prepare a report on the basis of which it will be decided whether the dentist's contract with the HIO will be reactivated or whether the specific professional will be expelled from the GHS.

As far as the dermatologist is concerned, "based on the information available to the Agency, the provider has submitted claims for compensation and has therefore been reimbursed for activities that may not have been provided to patients" during visits, which appear never to have taken place. In this case too, an investigating officer has been appointed.

These two cases are the first for which the HIO made them public through the GHS website, thus activating the "tab" entitled "Suspensions/terminations of providers that will now be available to citizens for information purposes''.