Sunday, June 30, 2024


 Pafos Live 30 June 2024

Police arrested a 26-year-old man from Afghanistan. He had been wanted since yesterday in connection with a rape case against a 19-year-old girl. The 19-year-old foreigner who is on holiday in Cyprus has been examined by a forensic pathologist, while a young man claimed that the 19-year-old contacted him of her own volition.

The 19-year-old reported to the police that around 02:00 in the morning on Saturday, the 26-year-old permanent resident of Cyprus, whom she met in recent days, had intercourse with her, in the area of Chloraka, against her will.

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As part of an investigation into a case of conspiracy to commit a felony, extortion, demanding money with threats to steal and threatening, police arrested two men aged 44 and a woman, also aged 44.

The above persons were arrested on the basis of court warrants and yesterday they were brought before the Famagusta District Court, which issued a three-day detention order.

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The five Syrians wanted in connection with the fierce fight, were arrested by members of the ICF Limassol in Nicosia and detained.

According to the facts, last Thursday, there was a fierce fight between 50 people in the area of Omonoia in Limassol, resulting in two of them ending up at Limassol General Hospital with minor injuries.

The fight occurred shortly after 9 p.m. when, for an unknown reason, members of two Syrian families argued with each other. In addition to injuries, 6 vehicles were damaged.

UpdateThe five Syrians who were arrested on suspicion of the fierce fight that took place on Thursday night in the Omonia area were brought before the Limassol District Court on Sunday morning. The wanted men were found yesterday in an area of Nicosia.

The Court granted the police's request and ordered their detention for a period of eight days.

According to the Police, having in their hands crowbars, sticks and stones, the members of one family went to Vasileos Pavlou Street where they attacked a group of their compatriots (another family), causing at the same time, damage to 6 vehicles belonging to the latter. What happened took place in front of the eyes of passing drivers and was also recorded on video by citizens living in adjacent premises.

According to philenews, the fierce fight was preceded by an argument. A group of youths from one family, according to testimonies collected by the police, attacked a young person from the other family. The cause of the quarrel seems to be the harassment of a woman in one family by a young person.

After the above incident, the family of the young man who was beaten went to the area where the other family lives, where they were attacked. The attack on family members living in the area of Omonoia injured two people, 43 and 26 years old respectively. The two went to the General Hospital where they were given First Aid.

In order to investigate the case, an investigative team has been set up by the ICF of Limassol which continues the examinations looking for CCTV in the area. 

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The situation in Pafos regarding the anti-social actions of residents of the city has gone out of hand for good.

A 22-year-old man considered it normal, after a traffic accident he caused, to initially try to escape from the scene and when this was not possible, to finally attack a person involved in the car accident using ... chisel which he had in his car.

The unprecedented incident took place on Saturday night, in front of hundreds of drivers on the busy tourist avenue Tombs of the Kings in Kato Paphos. According to police examinations, a Syrian resident of Cyprus, who was found to be an asylum seeker, caused a road accident when he hit with his car a vehicle in front that stopped at a pedestrian crossing and was driven by a Romanian woman resident of Paphos.

The 22-year-old tried to flee the scene, but the driver of the second vehicle prevented him from doing so, while calling her husband for help on the phone. He arrived in a few minutes, accompanied by his sister.

Tension ensued at the scene, while the police were called, with the relatives of the female driver preventing the 22-year-old Syrian from leaving the scene as he tried. The driver of the car that was involved with the complainant's vehicle started insulting and threatening them with various phrases and then retrieved a chisel he had in his car and attacked the complainant's husband, hitting him on the head and injuring him.

The injured man was picked up by an ambulance that took him to Paphos Hospital. According to the on-duty doctor, he suffered traumatic injuries to the right frontal side of the head and was sutured, and was later discharged.

The alleged perpetrator was arrested and detained to facilitate investigations into an ongoing case of assault causing actual bodily harm, threatening, public insult, carrying weapons to incite terror and possession of an offensive instrument.

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The target of criminal elements was a business premises in the area of Episkopi in Limassol, where an explosive device exploded.

According to police, the explosive device exploded shortly after one in the morning, causing slight damage to the entrance of a fast food restaurant, owned by a 24-year-old, which was to operate in the near future.

It was found that the explosion was due to the detonation of an improvised explosive device with a charge of low-power explosive.

The investigations are ongoing by the ICF of Limassol.