Sunday, June 30, 2024


 Filenews 30 June 2024 - by Vassos Vasileiou

From tomorrow the lies will end, since the reform of Local Government, which has been under discussion for ten years, will be a fact and the president of the Municipalities, Andreas Vyras, although a leftist, obviously prefers to enter with the right, in the sense of its positive impact on the citizen. What does the citizen gain? What will remain for the citizen from what has been said and written about the reform of Local Government apart from the fact that some have settled for good salaries, chairs and snakes? What changes in his life? Because, if there was so much argument about nothing, then the citizen is right when instead of the ballot box he prefers the beach or the coolness of the air conditioner.

Regarding what changes in our lives from 1 July, we turned to the most competent person who followed the reform process together with his colleagues and three different interior ministers. The President of the Union of Municipalities and Mayor of LarnakaAndreas Vyras, fought even within the Union of Municipalities with the personal ambitions of other mayors or against party choices that he believed could alter the philosophy of reform. Mr. Vyras thinks things could have been better, but the water has already entered the groove and now dealing with the past and memorial services a few days before the "official first" of the reform on July 1 simply do not alter the facts. At least today, because everything will be tormented by the new reality and if some things do not work or do not come out, there is the possibility of amending the legislation if everyone, or even the majority, realizes/finds that something is wrong. The President of the Union of Municipalities acknowledges that the road to reform is not paved with rose petals but at the same time expresses the conviction that with dedication to the goals set, with enough work on the part of the Mayors and generally all the elected officials who were recently elected and with the help of the caretakers and with the understanding of the citizens, At least in the early stages of the operation of the new schemes, things can be improved.

We are committed to trying to upgrade the quality of life of our citizens, to make every effort to reduce the cost of services provided in difficult times and generally to simplify their lives, Mr. Vyras said. He called on citizens to participate in the processes of the Municipalities and to intervene positively in the whole effort being made, which is possible, not only through the publication of the decisions of the bodies of local authorities but also in their formulation.

What changes for the citizen

So what can citizens expect from the reform of Local Government? Mr. Vyras believes that among the changes that will make his life better, include:

1. Improving Services: By pooling and rationalizing resources and responsibilities, municipalities can provide better and more efficient services to their citizens.

2. Enhancing Transparency and Accountability: New control structures and mechanisms enhance transparency and accountability of local authorities, making resource management more transparent and fair.

3. Economies of Scale: By merging smaller municipalities and communities, economies of scale are achieved, reducing the cost of services and saving money that can be invested in infrastructure and development projects.

4. Upgrading Infrastructure: The reform allows infrastructure such as roads, parks, schools and public facilities to be improved and upgraded, with better allocation of resources and better planning.

5. Increased Citizen Participation: Changes in the structure of local government encourage the active participation of citizens in decision-making processes, making their voice stronger and more effective.

6. Strengthening the Local Economy: Through better management and coordination, local authorities can promote local economic development, creating new job opportunities and supporting entrepreneurship.

7. Better Crisis Response: Stronger and more organized local authorities can respond more effectively to emergencies and crises, offering faster and more efficient assistance to citizens.

Overall, the reform of local government in Cyprus in 2024 is expected to provide a more effective, transparent and participatory governance system that will improve citizens' quality of life.

The President of the Union of Municipalities also considers that the reform of local government in Cyprus today is an important step towards improving the services provided, enhancing transparency and promoting local democracy. The benefits that arise for citizens from this reform are varied and significant, as they affect their daily lives and their quality of life. Here is a detailed breakdown of the main benefits.

More specifically, the President of the Union of Municipalities records the following positive aspects of the reform:

1. Improvement of services

One of the main benefits of the reform is to improve the services provided by local authorities. By merging smaller municipalities into larger administrative units, the new authorities gain greater financial and administrative power. This allows them to invest in better infrastructure and hire qualified staff, thus improving the quality and efficiency of the services they provide to citizens.

2. More efficient resource management

The concentration of resources in larger administrative units leads to better management and allocation of available resources. New municipalities can better manage their finances, reduce operating costs and save money that can be invested in development projects and services. This means that citizens can enjoy better services at less cost.

3. Enhancing transparency and accountability

The reform promotes transparency and accountability in local authorities. Larger municipalities are subject to stricter scrutiny and are more accountable to citizens. The new governance structures allow for better supervision and control of public spending, reducing the chances of corruption and mismanagement. In addition, citizens have greater capacity to participate in and control local authorities, which strengthens democratic governance.

4. Promoting local democracy

Strengthening local democracy is another important benefit of reform. Citizens gain a greater voice and participation in decisions that affect their community. Local authorities are encouraged to develop mechanisms for consultation and citizen participation, strengthening trust between citizens and authorities.

5. Development of local economy

Local government reform can be a driving force for the development of the local economy. By better managing resources and investing in infrastructure and services, new municipalities can create favourable conditions for entrepreneurship and growth. This leads to the creation of new jobs and the strengthening of economic activity in local communities.

6. Improving social cohesion

New administrative structures can help improve social cohesion. By pooling more services and resources, new municipalities can develop programmes and actions that promote social inclusion and support for vulnerable groups. This helps reduce social inequalities and strengthen solidarity between citizens.

7. Improving infrastructure and public spaces

The restructuring of municipalities allows the pooling of resources and the implementation of large infrastructure projects that improve the quality of life of citizens. Improving streets, parks, schools and other public spaces makes cities and communities more welcoming and functional. Citizens can enjoy better living conditions and have access to higher quality services and infrastructure.

8. Environmental sustainability

Local government reform also promotes environmental sustainability. Larger municipalities have the potential to implement more effective and coordinated environmental policies. Waste management, the protection of natural resources and the promotion of sustainable development are central objectives of the new local authorities, thus contributing to the improvement of the quality of the environment and the protection of the country's natural wealth.

9. Boosting innovation and technology

By pooling resources and increasing administrative capacity, new municipalities can invest in innovation and technology. The adoption of new technologies in municipal services can lead to better service to citizens and more efficient management of public resources. Citizens benefit from increased accessibility and efficiency of services through digital platforms and tools.

10. Strengthening regional cooperation

The reform also promotes regional cooperation between municipalities. This cooperation can lead to better tackling of common problems and the implementation of joint development programmes. Regional partnerships allow for the exchange of knowledge and best practices, thus strengthening the capacity of local authorities to respond to the needs of their citizens.

The reform of local government in Cyprus in 2024 offers numerous and significant benefits for citizens. It improves the quality of service, promotes transparency and accountability, strengthens local democracy, and promotes economic and social development. In addition, it contributes to environmental sustainability, innovation and regional cooperation. Citizens can expect a better quality of life and a more dynamic and resilient local community.

The responsibilities of Municipalities in all areas

Based on the new legislation, the responsibilities of the Municipalities also cover the following areas:

(a) Development and infrastructure sector, which includes.

-Elaboration of local programs for the protection and upgrading of the natural, built and cultural environment and the aesthetics of settlements

-Management, development and exploitation of municipal property and construction, maintenance and management of buildings owned or owned by the municipality

-Management of dangerous buildings

-Establishment and operation of municipal transport and promotion of sustainable mobility and accessibility of all citizens

-Elaboration of studies for the construction, maintenance, cleaning, lighting and use of roads, bridges, sidewalks, sidewalks and bicycle paths, falling within the municipal boundaries, control of the construction, conversion, closure or change of direction of roads, bridges, sidewalks, sidewalks and bicycle paths etc

-Maintenance, cleanliness, lighting and free use of roads of primary importance located within municipal boundaries, with the exception of motorways,

-Construction, maintenance, operation and management of public parking spaces

-Management, development, maintenance, design and improvement of green spaces granted for management by the municipality or belonging to the municipality, as well as planting trees along public roads, with the installation of protective covers, where necessary,

-Establishment, construction, maintenance and management of municipal markets, for the purpose of selling perishable items, in accordance with the specific applicable legal provisions, as well as determination of rights to use them

-Regulation of the operation of recreation and entertainment areas, determination of the opening hours of premises that do not fall under the provisions of the Law on Recreation Centers, in a manner consistent with quiet hours, control of noise pollution and the emission of pollutants, noises and other burdens affecting the natural, cultural and architectural environment, as well as aesthetics, Physiognomy and general functions of the Municipality

-Provision for the support of homeless and financially weak citizens, by providing aids, living items and care to residents facing serious living problems and the construction, maintenance and operation of municipal housing, in accordance with the terms determined by the municipality from time to time

-Design and implementation of programs or participation in programs and actions for the integration of migrants and refugees in the social, economic and cultural life of the local community

-Development of a vandalism prevention plan, including the installation of monitoring systems on public roads and public places in general.

-Establishment of a municipal police.

Employ fees

What concerns all citizens is the level of fees they will have to pay. In the past, when discussing the creation of 17 and not 20 municipalities that we have today, the former Minister of the Interior had indicated that a large municipality spends €245 per year for each resident for the provision of services, while a small municipality spent on the same services and with fewer employees €1,143 euros per year for each resident. Of course, along the way and as the implementation of the reform approached, mayors argued that the fees would move upwards. This remains to be proven in practice. Especially for garbage fees, it is provided that the annual increase imposed reaches up to 14% of the fees of the previous year.