Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 Filenews 21 May 2024

The competent Services are taking emergency measures to protect the existing coastal road within the Natura 2000 network area in Larnaka Salt Lakes for erosion management purposes.

Specifically, the project concerns the placement of natural boulders for temporary shielding of the coastline and protection of the road surface. The temporary shielding will be approximately 220 meters long and the land occupation by the project will not exceed the existing footing of the road leading to the wastewater treatment plant and the desalination plant.

A Special Ecological Assessment Report adopts the adoption of emergency measures to shield the coastal road, noting that it is a necessity for the protection of halophytic habitats. This project does not result in any loss of natural habitats and only a relatively short length of the beach will be occupied by boulders. During the construction phase, however, temporary effects may arise from increased nuisances, cumulatively with other planned projects in the area, such as the construction and operation of the third phase of the Larnaka sewerage system.

During the comprehensive examination of the environmental impact of the project on the Natura 2000 Special Area of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Area (SPA) area "Larnaka Salt Lakes", it was found that emergency measures to shield the coastal road are a necessity for the protection of halophytic habitats and this intervention should not constitute a precedent for future projects in this or other Natura 2000 sites.

The adoption of emergency temporary shielding measures can only proceed if specific mitigation measures are implemented to minimize nuisance to the designation species. These measures include:

1) The construction works to be executed in the period July – December. In case of need to extend the work period, the Department of Environment and the Game and Fauna Service should be consulted in a timely manner and in advance to ensure the minimization of disturbances to bird species.

2) Work will be limited to what is strictly necessary for temporary shielding and corrosion protection.

3) There will be no widening of the existing road either during the execution phase of the works or after their completion.

4) No intervention will be made in the area adjacent to the road inland and covered by halophytic vegetation.

5) During the execution phase of the works and along the execution area, temporary fencing should be placed on the side of the road, which is inland, in order to avoid any encroachment of halophytic vegetation. The area of execution of works should be demarcated and fenced before the start of works, while the fencing of the construction site should be removed and removed after the end of the works.

6) If, in the area, there is a need for temporary storage of materials to be used in the shielding, their storage area should be approved in advance by the Department of Environment. The materials will remain in the SAC/SPA area for as little time as possible and the necessary planning will be carried out for this purpose.

7) In case of need to carry out additional works or change of design, prior consultation with the Department of Environment and the Game and Fauna Service.

8) The materials (boulders) that will be used in the temporary shielding must come from licensed quarries.

It is noted that the immediate area includes the coastal road leading to the wastewater treatment plant and the desalination plant. On the beach located east (below) the road no coastal habitats are found due to the very narrow width of the beach. West of the road inland, there is an area with halophytic vegetation, while sites with the stenoendemic Limonium mucronulatum, which is included as critically endangered in the Red Data Book for the Flora of Cyprus, are also identified. This species is found only in Larnaka Salt Lakes in areas where halophytic scrub grows.

This beach is used by bird species, especially migratory and wintering species. A length of about 220 meters of this beach will be altered by the placement of boulders. It is noted that the coastal front of the protected area has a total length of about 3km. A widening of the road or the establishment of another route within the halophytic habitat range would create a much greater disturbance to the habitats of the species designated in the protected area.

No further widening of the road is possible

In December 2022, the road leading to the wastewater treatment plant and the desalination plant showed severe corrosion problems and Larnaka Municipality widened the road to safely restore traffic in the area. The widening was done with the use of crushing slags and concerned a length of about 150 meters and a width of about 4 meters to the side where the development of halophytic habitats begins in the area. However, widening was limited to a point where acacia trees grow and halophytic habitats were not affected.

However, with this widening, the road is now adjacent to the development of halophytic habitats, so in case of further erosion of the coast, it will not be possible to further widen the road, as this will require the deforestation of halophytic habitats.

After meetings of competent bodies, it was decided that a rough shielding of the coastal road should be made to avoid the possibility of further erosion. In November 2023, the Department of Public Works sent to the Department of Environment construction plans for emergency measures to protect the road through temporary shielding with boulders.

On March 19, 2024, the Ad hoc Committee met for preliminary discussion of emergency protection measures against erosion of the coastal road leading to Larnaka desalination. The members of the Ad hoc Committee agreed that the only solution to address erosion and the protection of halophytic vegetation is the shielding with boulders and requested that specific data be sent by the Department of Public Works that include the mapping of the project, the exact land occupation and the quantity and type of boulders to be used so that a Special Ecological Assessment Report can be issued immediately including conditions for the protection of halophytic vegetation and the protected area in general by this project.

On March 21, an on-site visit and meeting was held between the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works and the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment to discuss the issue of temporary road shielding. At this meeting it was decided to proceed with the temporary shielding of the road.

On 24 April, the Ad hoc Committee met again to assess the data. In May 2024, a Special Ecological Assessment Report was issued, which includes conditions for the protection of halophytic vegetation and the protected area in general by this project.