Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 Filenews 22 May 2024

A mobile phone and three A4 glues soaked in drugs were found yesterday in a search carried out by prison guards in a prisoner's cell.

The management of the Central Prison often carries out checks in cells in both the men's and women's wings as well as the youths, in order to identify either mobile phones or drugs.

The day before yesterday, after checking a prisoner's cell, prison guards found a cell phone and three A4 adhesives, impregnated with synthetic cannabinoids. The glues are identical to those found last December in the possession of a prison guard.

They are divided into small boxes, which are cut off and smoked. All found items have been received and are being examined.

This is the third time drugs have been detected in this way and investigations are being carried out to determine how they have been introduced into the closed prison.

As it becomes clear, prisons do not wait for the new system to turn off mobile phones, but daily carry out checks to identify devices that either inmates or staff members enter to communicate with people outside the prison.

A few days ago, unknown assailants attempted to throw two soccer balls containing two mobile phones each from the side of the buffer zone inside the closed prison. However, due to the distance the balls did not pass the barbed wire and were received for scientific examinations.