Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 Filenews 22 May 2024

There has been an alarming increase in fatal road collisions this year compared to the same period last year, with experts estimating that there is ground to control the situation by the end of the year.

According to data from the Traffic Department at the Police Headquarters, this year in road collisions in which apart from injuries we also have fatalities, there is an increase of 16.7% and in deaths by 41% compared to 2023. Specifically, while in 2023 there were 12 fatal road collisions with an equal number of fatalities, this year we have 14 fatalities with 17 fatalities. It should be noted, however, that four of the victims arose in the accident that occurred at dawn on New Year's Day at a light-controlled junction in Limassol, a case for which a driver is being tried.

It is noted that last year and in 2022 an unprecedented decrease in deaths on the roads was recorded, which was largely attributed to the arrival of cameras, as well as in combination with other measures taken nationwide by the Police with targeted campaigns, checks by the "Z" team in cooperation with the Ministry of Transport.

From the data provided to "F" by the spokesman of the Police, Christos Andreou, it appears that this year (until yesterday) there has been an increase in deaths as a result of road accidents in four of the six districts of Cyprus. The largest increase is recorded in Limassol, with three deaths more than in the same period last year, two more deaths in Larnaka and one each in Nicosia and Morfou.

The characteristic this year is that most deaths were recorded on roads within urban areas, that is, the majority of accidents took place in cities and not on motorways, unlike what happens in Europe. This is attributed, as the assistant head of the Traffic Police at the Police Headquarters, Haris Evripidou, told "F", to the bad habit of using a mobile phone while driving, resulting in distraction of drivers and the fatal occurrence.

Despite the fact that in cities because the photo-labelling system is almost fully operational, drivers have become more cautious, since there are either fixed cameras or mobile cameras in many places within the urban network, however, drivers are constantly with a mobile phone in hand. In general, it has been observed, according to the Traffic Police officer, that drivers when moving within cities comply with the Road Traffic Code. For example, the phenomenon has been observed, whereas in the past drivers crossed the white line at lights to stop their vehicle when the lights are red, now whether controlled by cameras or not, they stop far behind the white line.

This suggests road consciousness, the same officer stressed. The problem focuses on certain drivers who, defying the dangers, continue at high speeds, or those who drive carelessly and negligently, resulting in increased road collisions.

The curious thing is that complaints from the cameras have decreased compared to their first months of operation in 2022, which is interpreted as universal compliance by drivers mainly regarding excessive speeds. Most complaints from drivers in cities are either due to the fact that they are removed on the road or to carelessness.

From a first analysis of this year's deaths on the roads as a result of accidents, it appears that the main cause is negligent and careless driving mainly due to mobile phone use, excessive speed and turning right, causes that over time remain constant in the loss of lives in accidents.

According to Mr. Evripidou, this year there has been no fatal collision due to excessive alcohol use, which is encouraging, showing that drivers have understood the dangers of such behaviour. Data also show a reduction in alcohol-related injuries compared to other years.

According to the assistant director of the Traffic Police, it is inconceivable today with so many modern vehicles on the roads that have a system that connects to the mobile as well as wireless devicesto have drivers holding the mobile while driving. Many, he said, send messages, causing them to be momentarily distracted and fatal happens. Last year, he said, 11 out of 20 fatalities involving drivers were due to mobile phone use. That is, today our fellow human beings would live, if they did not send or read a message or talk on the mobile phone, thus distracting them.

The analysis of fatal collisions shows that pedestrians are paying a high price, since the number of victims is increased again this year, as are foreigners – victims of careless drivers.

Regarding the cameras of the Traffic Police, Mr. Evripidou said that the majority of drivers have become familiar with the photo-labelling system, since complaints about the arrow on the right have been greatly reduced following the new regulations with the increase in the time during which the green is on, while, at the same time, complaints about vans that warning signs are hidden or not installed have stopped.

Sad first for Limassol

First in deaths today is the district of Limassol, followed by Nicosia. Specifically, until yesterday in Limassol six deaths were recorded in road collisions compared to three in 2023 and seven in 2022. Four relate to the quadruple accident on New Year's Day.

In Nicosia, this year we had six fatal road collisions with six fatalities, while last year there were five accidents with an equal number of victims and in 2022 two fatal with two fatalities. In Larnaca, this year we had three fatalities in as many fatal collisions compared to one dead last year at the same time and no fatalities in 2022.

In Paphos, while in 2022 we had no fatality from a road accident, last year one was recorded, while this year we returned to zero fatal road collisions. Paphos is also the only province without a fatality this year from an accident. 

In free Famagusta, this year we had one fatality in a car accident, while in the corresponding period last year there were two as in 2022. Finally, in the area of Morfou, this year we had one fatality, while in the previous two years we had no victims on the asphalt.