Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Filenews 17 May 2024

The United Kingdom referred to the successful delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza via Cyprus, promising to continue the shipments.

Specifically, through a post on platform X, the British Foreign Secretary, David Cameron, noted that "the UK's aid reached Gaza through the Cyprus sea corridor. This is an important step forward. The floating pier means we can deliver up to 150 trucks with extra assistance per day. We need more support to reach Gaza via land, sea and air routes."

The Foreign Secretary retweeted a post by British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in which it was stated that "the first shipment of aid from the UK was successfully delivered through the temporary pier off Gaza. More land routes need to be opened so that more aid can get to where it is needed most."

On its official X page, the British Department of Foreign, Commonwealth and Development publishes photos of the first 8,400 temporary shelter kits. "More help will follow," it said.