Saturday, May 25, 2024


 Filenews 25 May 2024

If you see smoke or any potential fire, please ring 112 or 1407 - don't assume someone else has notified the authorities.

A difficult summer is predicted on the basis of dry winter, said the Spokesman of the Fire Service, Andreas Kettis, in an interview with CNA, during which he speaks, among other things, about the extension of the fire season, the causes of fires, the measures taken, the changes in climatic conditions and the climate crisis and the impact of a fire on the environment and society.

As Mr. Kettis said, on the basis of statistics and on the basis of the research they make of the causes of fire, it appears in the vast majority of cases, that is, a percentage over 92%, behind every fire is a human activity.

He also noted that "in 2022-2023 we are much lower in the number of fires than in previous years."

"Although a difficult summer is predicted, I repeat, on the basis of the dry winter, which we had on the basis of the fire season which has been extended, and on the basis of the environmental conditions that are predicted and we see that they have already started very early, I want to believe that at least we will remain at the same levels (as the previous two years)".

Extension of fire season from April to November, "we are more alert"

Replying to a question that the fire season started early this year and what awaits the firefighting and fire protection authorities this summer, Mr. Kettis said that we do have a fire season, which started early, based on the climatic conditions that were formed.

"Don't forget we had a dry winter. And this, of course, is the result of having an early fire season. There have already been two or three fires, which triggered and we consider and evaluate that they were quite large fires and I believe that in all cases there had been an over-effort both by the Fire Service and by all other state services, which are involved in the issue of extinguishing and suppression with a secondary role in extinguishing the fires. so that we can and manage to limit them," he noted.

Simply, Mr. Kettis continued, what we see is the behaviour of the fires. And this, he said, is the result of the drought that existed and the environmental conditions that exist, so that these fires can be created easily, "but their behaviour is indicative that we will have a difficult summer season and therefore, as you rightly mentioned, the fire season has started very early and is no longer the traditional fire season we had years ago, it has been extended to the maximum, that is, it can start from April and drag on until November".

At this point, Mr. Kettis reminded that a few years ago we had record fires in December.

"So that alone demonstrates and proves that things have changed. Environmental conditions have changed and the fire season has lengthened, and on the basis of the elongation we are also more alert than this whole period of the extension of the fire season," he added.

Human activity behind fires 92%

Commenting that despite the measures taken, the human factor still seems to be the first cause of fire, Mr. Kettis said that this is now proven, that is, on the basis of statistics and on the basis of the research they do on the causes of fire, it seems to exist in the vast majority of cases and speaks, as he said, for more than 92%, which is a human activity behind every fire.

He reiterated that creating a fire itself is very rare and there must be a conjuncture of negative factors, which coincide, in order to create a fire on its own and integrate it into the accidental fire.

Asked if they are thinking of taking any additional measures to prevent fires that were set maliciously or negligently, Mr. Kettis said that as a Fire Brigade they are trying to inform and enlighten people with various campaigns, which they do both through the media and social media, to inform and enlighten people. what to do, what not to do.

"In addition, there is cooperation between the involved services and before the fire season, meetings are held in all District Administrations, where some parameters are set how the planning will be done. Very important is the deforestation that must precede the fire season," he added.

As he said, penalties have been increased lately regarding the outbreak of fires and the causes of fires and a new bill is currently being worked on, which increases penalties even more.

"Certainly, we don't want to invoke penalties as a deterrent, but in the midst of all this there is also a factor, a reason that is put down on the table to avoid the outbreak of fires," he added.

Climate crisis: One day flood rescues, fire response the next

Replying to a question that another phenomenon observed is that one day they were running due to severe weather phenomena and the other to a fire event, Mr. Kettis said that "this is the clear proof, -those of which we have been repeating in recent years I would say-, of the change in climatic conditions and the climate crisis, which we are going through".

"What a great example in small Cyprus, an island, the Fire Brigade responding in one province for severe weather events and rescues of people at risk of flooding and in another province responding to fires that reach crisis levels and even using aerial means to suppress them," he noted.

This, he added, gives the message that the citizen must be prepared for the whole period of the year for all eventualities and act proactively in all parameters and in all eventualities of weather that may occur.

Asked if they are concerned about this change due to climatic conditions, Mr. Kettis said that it seems that every year these phenomena increase and it is not only that they increase numerically, they also increase in the intensity in which they occur, "that is, if we take the cases of rainfall we see this intense activity of rainfall mainly locally where we have huge volumes of water, in a very short time."

Regarding the outbreaks of fires, Mr. Kettis said that their occurrence is very easy, but also their intensity and behaviour has changed radically and this is where the work of firefighting becomes even more difficult, "and this is where we need to realize it both as citizens of the state to pay attention to our activities and we as prevention and especially suppression services to be more coordinated, more organized, so that we can contain a fire at the initial stage."

We invest in the contribution of citizens

Commenting on whether he believes that the institution of the Neighbourhood Observer and the Fire Safety Observer will help prevent and deal with fires, Mr. Kettis said that the purpose and goal is to substantially upgrade the Neighbourhood Observers, which are a successful institution implemented by the Police and it seems that this is paying off. to Fire Safety Observers.

He noted that they have already started a campaign with gatherings in various areas, which are potentially dangerous in the outbreak of fires, in the presence of the Community Leaders of the areas and Neighbourhood Observers, and inform them what to watch out for, about the mechanism they should be in contact with the PH.

"I definitely believe that it is an institution that will perform at its best, because although we now use technology at all levels to be able to work on prevention, know that human contribution, human eye, face-to-face information, contact with the world are the alpha and omega to have a meaningful result. That's where we invest," he said.

Great impact of fires

Asked what impact it has on our society and Cyprus every time a hectare of land is burned, Mr. Kettis said that the impact is great.

"Think of the action of all the agencies involved in the repression. Think of the motorized equipment they use, the manpower they use to extinguish it, the dangers that human resources, firefighters in general, organized volunteer groups, enter into the activation and extinguishing of fire. The aerial means used to extinguish any fire, the cost it costs the state when you activate this whole mechanism to be able to contain a fire and the potential loss of life that can come from these dangerous situations."

Replying to a question whether there are statistics for last year and for this year regarding the occurrence of fires, Mr. Kettis said that "we are at about the same levels as last year".

"Although I see that in 2022-2023 we are much lower in the number of fires than in previous years. Although a difficult summer is predicted, I repeat, on the basis of the dry winter we had and on the basis of the fire season, which has been extended and on the basis of the environmental conditions predicted and we see that they have already started very early, I want to believe that at least we will maintain the same levels," he added.

Staffing of rural stations, aerial patrols of the Department of Forests, fire detection systems

Asked if there is sufficient staffing and equipment and if the countryside and other stations have been staffed, Mr. Kettis said that as the Fire Brigade they have staffed all the rural stations, which are 17 in number with hourly paid staff and in some cases there is also permanent staff.

He noted that they have rural stations, which operate on a 24-hour basis in Pafos District, Moniatis, Evrychou and have an organized program of in-person patrols.

He added that there are also aerial patrols with aircraft of the Department of Forests, which in many cases were catalytic because during peak hours when they were in the air, they detected the fire, hit it directly and at the same time informed the ground forces to respond.

He also said that several fire detection systems have been installed in various areas, covering a wide range of the Department of Forests and will be installed in many rural areas, but also in industrial areas, which will detect and analyze the fire, and at the same time inform when and if they see that the fire is spreading. the competent services to respond.

"Therefore, an over-effort is being made regarding prevention issues and certainly the contribution of the last citizen at this level is necessary and necessary and is the alpha and omega", Mr. Kettis reiterated.

Coordination at fairly good levels

Replying to a question, Mr. Kettis said that it has been announced by the President of the Republic himself, the Government that they are proceeding in the coming period with several drastic changes.

"The Civil Defence of Cyprus is being upgraded to Civil Protection. The DG of the Ministry of Agriculture has already been appointed since last year as the coordinator of the fires, which will reach crisis levels and certainly this upgrade and this umbrella will help catalytically in terms of coordination, without overlooking that I believe that coordination exists, it is at quite good levels", he noted.

Mr. Kettis reiterated that things are assessed as difficult "and every year we see them being more difficult".

"I want to assure people that we stand by them at all times and that PH is fighting to protect them... It is a wide range of activities and obligations that GI has towards the citizen and we are trying with the forces we have, with the staff we have at the moment, but also with the equipment we have to do proper management", he concluded.