Friday, June 16, 2023


 Pafos Live 16 June 2023

The beaches of Cyprus, world famous for their beauty and cleanliness, are one of the most important tourist products of our country and their management brings significant benefits to our economy. Apart from their importance for the economy and entertainment, both tourists visiting our island and our fellow citizens must function properly and not profit either at the expense of tourists or at the expense of locals.

The beach is the place where you will enjoy the beautiful waters and the cool breeze, it is the place where you will relax, find yourself or have fun with games in the sand and teasing in the waves.

However, an important issue that covers in sufficient detail the plan of use of the beach is that of the distances of umbrellas and beds. The problem lies in the fact that often in order to increase their profits, the Local Authorities or the private administrator violate the provisions of the law, which are very good in this area. The law provides in the beach use plan that: 1) The area with umbrellas must be calculated for 8sqm per person or 16sqm for an umbrella with two beds, which means that bathers are not glued on top of each other. 2) Umbrellas and beds should be 3-5 meters away from where the waves break, thus allowing unhindered movement on the beach. 3) The maximum area covered by umbrellas of the beach cannot exceed 50% of the beach surface. This leaves room free for those who want to get their own umbrella or just lie on the beach.

Prohibited actions on the beach.

No person may-

(a) To use the beach in such a way as to obstruct the movement of bathers within three to five meters of sea level, as determined for each area by the relevant authority with a notification posted on a sign in a prominent part of each area

(b) harass others with his behaviour on the beach

(c) pollute in any way the beach or the sea

(d) drive on the beach a motor vehicle or other wheeled vehicle of any kind;

(e) to drive or pass any animal on the beach or bathe an animal in the sea except only in areas designated by the Central Beaches Committee as areas for bathing dogs in the sea.

What is the fixed price for cots and umbrellas? The maximum charge according to the decision of the Central Beaches Committee is €2,50 for each piece. Bathers are advised to ask for a ticket to avoid misunderstandings. The fixed price applies to all beds and umbrellas located on the beach. However, it does not apply to cots located in private areas such as swimming pools and gardens of hotels, restaurants, etc. where the price is freely set by the entrepreneur. In case a beach hotel manages beds on the beach, it is entitled to provide them exclusively to hotel guests either free of charge as part of the other services it provides, or against a maximum of €2,50 per piece.

Do not forget that we should all enjoy our beaches and that they belong to all of us.  So keep the beaches clean for the next day you will be there. The Cyprus Consumers Association wishes you a happy summer!!!

ChristaChrista / Member of the Board of Directors of the Cyprus Consumers Association