Sunday, February 19, 2023


 Filenews 19 February 2023 - by Angelos Nicolaou

At the end of the current administration's term of office, the competent Minister Costas Kadis presented the main actions, reforms and projects implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment (YGAAP) during the last five years. According to Costas Kadis, the work of YGAAP could only serve the vision set at the beginning of the five-year period, namely to make Cyprus more sustainable and "green", through the application of the principles of sustainable development in agriculture, the integrated protection of the environment and the sustainable management of our natural resources, with a substantial contribution to the creation of new jobs and the improvement of the quality of life of citizens. This effort was aligned with the basic principles of the European Union's (EU) Green Deal.

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which has been implemented since the accession of our country to the EU, is the main policy instrument for the development of Cypriot agriculture and livestock farming. Within this framework, YGAAP emphasized on enhancing the competitiveness of agriculture and wider rural development, through the provision of the necessary tools to improve productivity and enhance agricultural income, while strengthening the position of farmers in the food supply chain. Emphasis was placed on the protection of the environment, by providing incentives for environmentally friendly agricultural practices.

Through targeted measures and in the framework of the Rural Development Programme (RDP), the primary sector of Cyprus has been supported in various ways over the last five years. €180 million was spent. to incentivise environmentally friendly farming practices, for investments improving the performance of farms, for support for areas facing natural or other handicaps, for the development of organic farming and for other measures. In addition, based on the European Regulation on the implementation of direct payments, approximately €240 million was allocated as hectare subsidies, with a single payment for all crops.

It is important to mention that within the period 2018-2022, 181 young farmers settled in agriculture, while more than 1,200 farmers received relevant training.

>>Development with halloumi as the spearhead"

Of great importance for the agricultural and livestock sector and the economy of Cyprus is the registration of halloumi in the register of Protected Designations of Origin (PDO) of the EU. Efforts to enshrine halloumi as a PDO began at the time of Cyprus' accession to the EU. The achievement of the patentability preserves the uniqueness of our national agricultural product over other products of mimicry.

An important reform in the agricultural and livestock sector is considered to be the creation of a new risk management system, which achieves substantial income support for farmers and livestock breeders in the event of losses and ensures the viability of farms. Since August 2019, when the new system was implemented, until today, approximately €38 million has been granted to farmers. for compensation related to natural disasters and severe weather events.

To address unfair trading practices and remove their negative impact on farmers, the "Unfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chain Law of 2021" was passed and market controls and administrative fines began to be imposed.

In order to reduce the price gap between producers and consumers, "the Law of 2022 on the Regulation of the Operation of Popular Markets" was submitted to the Parliament for adoption.

>>Agricultural research

Agricultural research is considered to be extremely important for the development of the agricultural sector. In this context, the Agricultural Research Institute successfully completed the establishment and operation of the Centre for Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology, which hosts the Soil Genetic Resources Bank of the Republic of Cyprus. In addition, the implementation of the AGRICYGEN research project began, which aims to use modern technologies and know-how and contribute to the fulfilment of halloumi PDO production goals. Also, a Sponsorship Scheme was promoted for the genetic improvement of the sheep and goat populations of Cyprus, in order to increase milk production. The promotion of the National Strategy for the adaptation of Cypriot agriculture to climate change is also considered very important.

>>Steps forward on environmental issues

In the field of the environment, the main objective of YGAAP was to improve Cyprus' performance in managing environmental issues, including those related to nature and biodiversity, the circular economy and waste management, pollution and industrial emissions and climate neutrality.

At international level, in order to address climate change and reduce its impact, the Republic of Cyprus has undertaken an important initiative for the coordination of the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East region, which was presented at a Meeting of Heads of State in 2022. Also, with the aim of protecting the environment in the wider European region and accelerating progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, Cyprus hosted in 2022, the 9th Ministerial Meeting of the UNECE.

In order to rationalize and upgrade the framework for the management of environmental issues, a political decision is being implemented for the creation of a new General Directorate of Environment, under the YGAAP.

To further protect biodiversity, the Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Cyprus up to 2030 (budget €28 million) was promoted, with 13 targets and 86 specific measures.

A very important development is considered to be the beginning of the implementation of the Sustainable Development Plan of the Akamas National Forest Park (SAR), which includes more than 40 actions / projects with an estimated value of around €44 million.

Equally important is the strengthening of the Natura 2000 Network in Cyprus, through the accession of eight new areas and the expansion of four existing areas.

Regarding the effort to deal with the scourge of forest fires and the strengthening of fire protection, the implementation of Vegetation Management Plans began, the fleet of the Department of Forests was strengthened in ground and flight means, the vacant positions of the Department in human resources were filled, the new channel in the area of Mammari was put into operation, which reduces the intervention time of the flying means in specific areas and the firefighting aircraft base was upgraded in Paphos Airport.

>>Environmental impact assessment

This is a very serious issue, with the Ministry's effort focused on improving the framework that governs it, with the aim of strengthening environmental protection. To this end, the online platform for informing and participating the public in the procedures for assessing the effects on the environment from plans, programs or projects was launched, the process of harmonization of national legislation with the relevant EU Directive was completed, the third and fourth rounds of strategic noise mapping were completed and relevant Decrees were issued, the Strategy and Action Plan for Coastal Zone Management for the period was completed. 2018-2028 and a specific governance structure was proposed.

Climate change - the hot issue of the time

Undoubtedly, Climate Change is the most "hot" environmental (and not only) issue of our time. YGAAP made significant efforts to address the problem, promoting a series of policies and actions. Specifically, among other things and in addition to the important regional initiative of the Republic of Cyprus, a National Energy and Climate Plan was drawn up, which aims to achieve the commitments for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions undertaken by Cyprus for 2030. Also, the Long-Term Strategy of Cyprus for Low Greenhouse Gas Emissions Development towards a zero-emission economy in 2050 was adopted, while the "Plant for Climate" Program was implemented, through which tens of thousands of seedlings were granted by the Department of Forests to organized groups and individuals, as part of Cyprus' effort to contribute to tackling climate change.

Circular Economy

Promoting the principles of the circular economy has been a priority for YGAAP. In this context, a new Municipal Waste Management Plan 2022–2028 was adopted, which includes a total of 65 measures with a budget of more than €80 million. and the Waste Prevention Programme 2022–2028 has been revised. At the same time, the legislative framework for the management of municipal waste was modernized, through the harmonization of the regulatory framework of Cyprus for waste management and the harmonization with the Directive on single-use plastics and for the reduction of the consumption of thin plastic carrier bags. Indicatively, the legislation that defines the obligations of Local Government Authorities in the management of municipal waste and the mandatory implementation of separate collection systems and "Pay As You Throw" systems are recorded.

Fisheries and Blue Growth

In this sector, emphasis was placed on the sustainable management and development of fisheries and aquaculture, with the aim of strengthening the Cyprus fisheries sector in a clean, healthy and productive marine environment.

Through the Operational Programme Thalassa 2014-2020, a total of €33.2 million was allocated, which is expected to increase to €53 million. upon completion of ongoing projects. The development of a very important tool, the integrated fisheries management system, is also under way.

To limit unregulated fishing, the Fisheries (Amendment) Law of 2022 was passed, the purpose of which is to introduce provisions for the preparation of management plans of marine areas where fishing and / or the passage of vessels is prohibited.

The promotion of the construction of a new, modern and integrated collective port infrastructure in Pentakomo to serve aquaculture is also considered important, with an initial cost estimate of €35 million.


The actions and work of YGAAP in the fields of geology, mining and meteorology during the past five years, aimed at the protection, management and promotion of geological wealth areas and geological and mining heritage, the rational management of the mineral wealth of Cyprus, the protection of the built environment and the monitoring and dissemination of meteorological data to the public.

In the above context, the restructuring of the Mining Service was promoted and the legislation governing it was modernized, a study was carried out to update the strategy for the sustainable development of quarrying and mining activity, projects for the rehabilitation of abandoned mines were implemented, an improved legislative and institutional framework was promoted for the more efficient and effective use of materials from the treatment of construction and demolition waste. At the same time, the drilling fleet was modernized and the seismological network of the Geological Survey Department was expanded. In the field of Meteorology, important Memoranda of Understanding on weather and climate were signed with the respective services in Greece and Israel and with academic institutions, while the network of automatic meteorological observation stations was upgraded.

Water policy with projects over €1 billion

In the field of water, YGAAP proceeded with the revision of the Strategy for Water Management and Drought Response, with the aim of ensuring the fullest possible coverage of water needs for all uses, promoting the efficient use of water resources and ensuring the quality and protection of water resources and the environment. In the above context, and among other things, the new Desalination Plant in Paphos was created and operates, which ensures the supply of water supply to Paphos, regardless of weather conditions. At the same time, four more Desalination Units and five refineries for the production of drinking water continued to operate on a nationwide basis. In general, in the field of water policy, major development projects (drinking water, recycled water use, sewerage and other water works) with a total value of €400 million have been implemented or are in progress. while the planning, planning and promotion of the implementation of additional projects, with a total value of more than €865 million, has begun.

Animal welfare

Animal welfare was very high on the priorities of the Ministry. As part of a new strategy, an integrated framework was implemented, including targeted programmes and actions, strengthening the legislative framework and strengthening control mechanisms. To this end, the Protection and Welfare of Animals Law was amended, incorporating regulations that enhance the protection and welfare of animals in our country, while Regulations were passed that define specific criteria for the operation of shelters, with the aim of improving the welfare conditions of animals in them. In addition, a plan for the support of Local Government Authorities for the creation of regional temporary storage facilities for stray dogs amounting to €1.5 million was approved, while the annual state sponsorship to animal welfare organizations and animal shelters was increased to €100,000, recognizing the valuable work and contribution of animal-loving volunteers. On the issue of investigating complaints about cases of animal abuse, a Protocol was implemented which describes in detail the actions to be followed by veterinary inspectors. Very important are also considered the Regulations that define, for the first time and pioneering at European level, the species of animals that can be held or sold as pets in Cyprus, which are described in the "Positive List".

The legacy for the new Minister

In addition to the work it has implemented, YGAAP leaves as an important legacy three EU-approved tools, which will facilitate the efforts of the next Government:

*First, the Strategic Plan of Cyprus under the new Common Agricultural Policy 2023-2027 (budget €454 million), with actions aimed at making the primary sector of Cyprus resilient, modern, competitive and environmentally friendly.

*Second, the contribution of YGAAP to the Recovery and Resilience Plan (RRP) with a total of 19 measures (budget €200 million) and objectives the achievement of climate neutrality, the penetration of renewable energy sources and the sustainable management of water resources.

*Thirdly, the Operational Programme for the Sea, Fisheries and Aquaculture 2021-2027 (with a budget of €54.7 million), which constitutes a sustainable and effective plan for further upgrading the fisheries and aquaculture sectors and more generally for supporting blue growth.


Kadis, Akamas and halloumi

The knowledge, methodicalness and consensual character of the outgoing Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment, Costas Kadis, were decisive factors for the performance of the work of YGAAP, which, according to general admission, is considered positive. This is easier to understand, if we consider the contribution of Costas Kadis to the realization of two of the greatest achievements, not only of the YGAAP but also of the Anastasiades administration, in the registration of halloumi as a PDO and in the beginning of the implementation works of the Akamas National Forest Park. These are two extremely difficult and complex issues, in which the interests "at stake" are enormous, and which are closed, in the best possible way, after decades of controversy, regressions and uncertainty.