Monday, December 5, 2022


 Filenews 5 December 2022 - by Pavlos Neophytou

"Call me Ishmael. A few years ago - it doesn't matter how much exactly - having little or no money in my pouch and nothing special that interests me on land, I thought of traveling a little to the sea and seeing the watery part of the world. It's a way I have to get rid of the spleen and regulate the traffic. When I catch myself squinting my mouth, when in my soul it is November wet, drizzling, when I catch myself unwittingly stopping in front of coffins and becoming a laggard of every funeral I come across, and especially when my hypochondrias rule me so much, that a strong moral barrier is needed to prevent me from going out on purpose and methodically throwing down the hats of the world - then I consider how it came it's time to barge in, as fast as I can..."

The above excerpt (translated by A. K. Christodoulou, Gutenberg Editions), from Herman Melville's "Moby-Dick" (1851), begins with the most famous introduction to the history of Western literature, with the author seeking to introduce us to the motives that pushed the narrator's innermost – central hero to barge on the whaling ship. We quote it on the occasion of the anchoring these days in the port of Limassol of the missionary ship "Logos Hope" of the international missionary organization Evangelists based in Germany "Operation Mobilisation - OM", which has been operating since 1957 under the founder George Werver, and the question we asked during our visit to it: What is it that has pushed the 350 volunteers of the ship to leave their homes in their homelands and open up to the sea? so that, as stated on the "OM" website, they can offer from port to port "knowledge, offer and hope"?

For the arrival in Cyprus of the largest floating book fair in the world, in English and mainly of religious and educational content - according to headlines we read -, the media and the public were informed by the Deputy Minister of Shipping Vassilis Dimitriadis, who on Saturday, November 26, boarded the ship together with the President of the Cyprus Ports Authority Antonis Stylianou and in a small ceremony held at the terminal of "DP World Limassol", welcomed the arrival of 'Logos Hope'. In statements posted on Social Media, Vassilis Dimitriadis invited the public to visit the ship, referring to an excellent philanthropic initiative that promotes knowledge, volunteerism and hope. He also referred to a multicultural floating community with universal values.

Deputy Minister of Shipping Vassilis Dimitriadis on "Logos Hope".

As in Melville's book, which we found in comic form on the shelves of the exhibition of about 5,000 books, the crew of volunteers is multinational, from about 65 different nationalities. But they are not chasing the huge sperm whale, but helping and supporting countries they visit, "following Christ", according to the "OM" website.

The crew of 350 volunteers is multinational and occupies all the roles for the operation of the ship. Source: "Logos Hope"

Volunteers work in the engine room. Source: "Logos Hope"

Source: "Logos Hope"

Tina Eftimie from Romania, who has been a volunteer on board the ship for a year and as she told philenews intends to stay another one, guides us around the grounds of the small floating state and explains the reasons why she decided to participate in these trips:

"Because it's a very good project and it's amazing to see so many people together, having the same purpose and helping other countries. You know, we travel from country to country and we see people with different kinds of needs. Individual needs, but also national ones. Of course, we can't change many things, because we are few, but an encouragement or a smile help. We know that in some countries people do not have access to books, such as educational books for children. And we saw that when we were last March in West Africa, in Ghana. And indeed, the book fair has helped them a lot, because they do not have access, as in other countries, to bookstores. This is the reward we have for being part of such a beautiful project. Think of someone else and not just yourself."

Our guide to "Logos Hope" Tina Eftimie. She has been a volunteer for a year and plans to remain one more.

Volunteering in Ghana, East Africa last March. Source: "Logos Hope"

Ghana: To help protect people from human trafficking, teams of ship volunteers were sent to various communities and institutions to raise awareness about the issue. Source: "Logos Hope"

"Knowledge, help, hope"

For her part, Saunval Patelija from Colombia, who is the press officer at "Logos Hope" and has been traveling with him for five years, said she chose to participate because she found an amazing opportunity to help people around the world. "Our vision is to share knowledge, help and hope, with knowledge being the book fair where we sell visitors books at a discounted price, we also share knowledge by running training programs on board, on topics such as human trafficking and bullying. We share help through volunteer work in communities we visit in a port. We identify and partner with local organizations, such as governments, nonprofits, schools, and community centers, so our volunteers can engage in community work such as construction, painting, community kitchen assistance, and more. We share hope by building lasting relationships with the people we meet in a port. We want to have the opportunity to tell our story and listen to theirs. We want people to know that they appreciate and love them."

The largest floating book fair in the world.

Third presence in Cyprus

Asking Saunval if this is the first time the ship has visited Cyprus and what actions they will offer here, she replied: "This is the first visit of ''Logos Hope'' to Cyprus, although our sister ships have visited Cyprus in the past, ''Logos II'' in Limassol (2000) and ''Doulos'' in Larnaca (2005). We intend to welcome people on board to visit the book fair, while we will also have cultural programs at ''Logos Hope'', which can be watched by the public."

The "Logos Hope" at the port of Limassol.

The feeding group. Source: "Logos Hope"

Since 1970 with five seagoing ships

The story of the volunteers - missionaries on board a ship and the largest floating book fair in the world goes back several years, until 1970, with the purchase of the original "Logos". During 17 years of service, he traveled 231,250 nautical miles, visiting 257 ports in 103 different countries and territories. "Logos" completed its service in January 1988, when due to a storm it hit and stuck on rocks in the strait of "Beagle", between Argentina and Chile. As Tina guides us through the photographic history of the missionary ships, located on the wall near the entrance of the ship, she shows us the photo with the hitherto immobilized "Logos". "Despite the horrible weather conditions, not a single life was lost, thanks to high safety standards, weekly lifeboat drills and God's protection," the ship's website said.

Next was the ship "Doulos", bought in 1977 and sold in March 2010. Built in 1914, the "Doulos" was recognized in the Guinness Book of World Records as the oldest active passenger ocean ship in the world. During its 32 years of service, the 'Doulos' covered more than 360,000 nautical miles – equivalent to traveling around the world 16 times. Since 1988 and for 20 years, "Logos II", successor to the first "Logos", was recruited, while "Logos Hope", which is currently anchored in Limassol, is the successor of "Logos II" and was put into operation in February 2009. At the same time the most recent addition to the fleet in May 2022, the "Doulos Hope", is for renovation in Singapore. According to the website of "Logos Hope", since 1970 when the service of seagoing ships began, with the purchase of the original "Logos", until today, the ships have visited over 480 different ports in more than 150 countries and territories and welcomed over 49 million visitors.

The "Logos", the first ship of the fleet, after 17 years completed its service in January 1988, when due to a storm it hit and stuck on rocks in the strait of "Beagle", between Argentina and Chile. The history of ships in a photographic exhibition at "Logos Hope".

Source: "Logos Hope"

Source: "Logos Hope"

Like a small town

According to Tina, the ship "Logos Hope" with its 350 volunteers is organized like a small town. He informs us that there is even a school, because there are also families among the volunteers. He also explains that all passengers are volunteers and cover all duties, from that of captain to that of cook. Everyone carries a different background and a different story, he adds, as we pass by the space next to the cafeteria, which usually in the afternoons gather and are entertained with music and dancing, but mostly socialize. It depends on the personal decision of each one, how long he will stay on the ship, he explains. Some for three months, others six, others for years or years, etc.

In the cafeteria.

"Where do you get the financial resources to achieve your goal?" we asked Saunval. "A third of the expenses are covered through the sales we make at the book fair, while all members of the ship are volunteers without pay, who must support their participation in the ship. We also have people who are interested in our vision and choose to support us," he replied. "We have over 350 crew members coming from more than 65 different nationalities. This creates a very diverse and multicultural environment. We get on board to be part of every culture and see the beauty of people's culture and tradition which is unique and amazing," Saunval said.

Arrival in Portonovic, Montenegro last November. Source: "Logos Hope"

Recent history of "Logos Hope" visits

Portonov, Montenegro, 8 November 2022 to 21 November 2022

Bar, Montenegro, 21 October 2022 to 8 November 2022

Durres, Albania, 6 October 2022 to 20 October 2022

Vlora, Albania, 1 September 2022 to 5 October 2022

Valletta, Malta, 18 August 2022 until 30 August 2022

Valletta, Malta, 12 July 2022 until 6 August 2022

Ceuta, Spain, 30 June 2022 until 8 July 2022

Seville, Spain, 26 May 2022 until 30 June 2022

Las Palmas, Spain, April 12, 2022 to May 24, 2022

Monrovia, Liberia, 19 March 2022 to 5 April 2022

Takoranti, Ghana, 5 March 2022 to 14 March 2022

Tema, Ghana ,20 January 2022 to 3 March 2022

Takorandi, Ghana, December 21, 2021 to January 19, 2022

Fri Town, Sierra Leone, 14 November 2021 to 16 December 2021

Bridgetown, Barbados, 1 November 2021 to 2 November 2021

Next destinations

Beirut, Lebanon, 15 December 2022 to 3 January 2023

Port Said, Egypt, 4 January 2023 to 23 January 2023

Aqaba, Jordan, 25 January 2023 to 15 February 2023

*The ship "Logos Hope" will be at the port of Limassol until the 14th of December. More information can be found HERE.