Monday, November 7, 2022


 Filenews 7 November 2022

Archbishop Chrysostomos II passed away on Monday morning, after a long battle with cancer, at the age of 81.

As stated in the medical communiqué signed by the attending physicians, Iosif Kasios, Dimitris Papamichael, Petros Agathangelou, Michalis Protopapas, the Archbishop "quietly passed away after facing with courage, patience and Christian fortitude the ordeal of his illness".

"What those of us who were close to him during the difficult hours of his illness experienced was his humility, the kindness of his soul and his deepest faith as well as his anguish for his flock," he added.


The archbishop's body was transferred to the Archdiocese for a trisagion. The Archbishop's burial will take place in the area he prepared under the sanctuary of The Apostle Varnava, according to the Metropolitan of Pafos.


Archbishop Chrysostomos II of Cyprus passed away on Monday, at 06:40 a.m., according to a medical communiqué signed by Iosif Kasios, Dimitris Papamichael, Petros Agathangelou and Michalis Protopapas.

As it is reported, the Archbishop "quietly passed away after facing with courage, patience and Christian fortitude the ordeal of his illness."

"What those of us who were close to him during the difficult hours of his illness experienced was his humility, the kindness of his soul and his deepest faith as well as his anguish for his flock," he added.

The communiqué also states that Chrysostomos II of Cyprus was "a prominent and great figure of the Church of Cyprus".

"He himself leaves work that is characterized by insight, boldness, promotion and respect and restoration of the Ecclesiastical historical tradition along with innovative changes, always seeking the unity and unity of the Church. What will accompany and always follow us is his directness, kindness, kindness and smile", he concludes.


Archbishop Chrysostomos II will be buried at 12pm on Saturday