Tuesday, October 4, 2022



Scholarship to study at the College of Europe

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is offering a scholarship to study at the College of Europe, in the framework of a memorandum signed on December 13, 2021, between the two parties, at the initiative of the General Secretariat of European Affairs.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs seeks and implements collaborations with academic institutions and research centres specialized in European Union issues, aiming to maximize the added value of Cyprus's participation in the EU.

The College of Europe was founded in 1949. Since 1992, the College operates on two campuses, one based in Bruges (Belgium) and the other in Natolin (Poland). It offers a wide selection of postgraduate programs in European Affairs, providing the necessary guarantees for postgraduate students to work and live in an international environment.

Based on the provisions of the aforementioned memorandum, one (1) scholarship amounting to twenty-seven thousand Euros (€27.000) will be available to Cypriot citizens who wish to study at the College of Europe for the academic year 2023-24. The scholarship will cover the tuition fees and accommodation of the selected student.

Applications for the academic year 2023-2024 will open on 13 October 2022 and close on 18 January 2023.

Applications for the College of Europe are to be completed and submitted only online through the website of the College of Europe.

The College will conduct a pre-screening of the applications received, followed by an interview by the national selection committee of the Republic of Cyprus.

Enquiries for more information or clarifications may also be addressed by email to mstatioti@mfa.gov.cy