Friday, October 14, 2022


 Filenews 14 October 2022 - by  Ioanna Mantzipa

A veil of mystery covers for the time being the human skeleton that was found at noon on Thursday (13/10) in the fenced area, north of the Limassol General Hospital and near the helipad. Answers to dozens of questions raised are called upon to be given by forensic scientists and anthropologists, who today will carry out examinations on the human body. The genetic material (DNA) method will determine the age of the victim, gender, origin and the time period of death, as well as whether it is a criminal act or not.

At the same time, the investigators of the ICF Limassol have retrieved from their drawers, old files with missing persons, in an attempt to investigate whether the human skeleton may belong to any of the persons who have disappeared and have been declared. The first estimates of experts, refer to the death of a long period of time due to the skeletalized situation. For the time being, investigators are investigating all the possibilities of even criminal activity. Although the gender has not been officially clarified, the first indications from the on-the-spot examinations indicate the body of a woman.

The macabre find was spotted around 09:30 yesterday morning by a worker, who was carrying out gardening work with a colleague inside the site of the Limassol General Hospital heliport. The human skeleton was accidentally located by the worker, as he had to go to the toilet. After moving away a little from the spot he was cleaning, he first spotted a hand. The employee, visibly worried, looked a little better around the perimeter and at a distance of a few metres, perceived a human skeleton. He then alerted his boss and the latter the Police, members of which (TAE Limassol) blocked the scene.

As "F" is informed, the human skeleton was found to be partially covered with dry grasses near a tree while in the lower part of the body, pieces of garments were visible. An autopsy at the scene was carried out by forensic pathologists Angeliki Papetta and Orthodox Orthodox. The anthropologist Maristalla Kirkimtzis was also called to the scene.

In his statements, the spokesman of the Limassol ADE and head of the ICF, Lefteris Kyriacou, said that "all the lists of missing persons are checked, while scientific examinations will establish the identity of the body". Asked about this, he did not rule out the possibility of a criminal act

Today, specialized examinations on the skeletalized body are expected to be carried out in the morgue of Nicosia General Hospital by a team of anthropologists in collaboration with the forensic pathologists. The examinations will determine whether there are any fractures in the bones and whether there are any, whether they were done prehumously or posthumously.

Questions also arise about where the body was found, as it is a fenced part within the Hospital that is used for air evacuations. It is worth wondering if for a long time, as experts estimate, the corpse lay there without being noticed by anyone. Another question mark that investigators and forensic experts are called upon to answer is whether the body had been taken to the helipad site or was permanently there.