Wednesday, September 14, 2022


 Filenews 14 September 2022

Information and policing week with traffic checks to deal with driving violations without free hands – use of a mobile phone or other objects, is carried out by the Police, from next Friday, September 16, until Thursday, September 22, 2022, as part of the actions to reduce road traffic collisions and increase safety on the road network.

The use of a mobile phone or other objects while driving, increases the chances of being involved in a road traffic collision, since it contributes to the distraction of drivers. The distraction of drivers, both internationally and in Cyprus, is one of the most important factors causing road traffic collisions, as it dramatically limits the reaction time of drivers in cases of emergencies on the road network.

During the specially dedicated week of action, members of the Police will be informed about the risks caused by non-compliance with the current legislation, while traffic control of violations of the use of mobile phones and other objects while driving will be intensified.

Particular emphasis will be placed on policing in black and dangerous parts of the road network, where the chances of causing road collisions are particularly high, while the documents of drivers and their vehicles will also be checked.

The week of actions will be held in parallel with the European Mobility Week and at the same time with the annual Pan-European action of the European Traffic Police Network Roadpol Safety Days 2022.