Tuesday, September 20, 2022


 Filenews 20 September 2022

Traffic, overcrowding and the need for the creation of a new Gymnasium in the centr of Paphos and a Technical School, are the issues that were raised before the Parliamentary Committee on Education of the Parliament during its visit, today Tuesday, to the schools of Primary, Secondary and Technical Education in Paphos.

Initially, the Parliamentary Committee on Education visited the Technical and Vocational School of Education and Training and immediately afterwards went to the IA Primary School of Pafos "Agios Spyridonas" at the Lyceum of Agios Neophytos and then to the Gymnasium and Lyceum of Polemi.

In his statements, the Deputy President of the Parliamentary Committee on Education, Mp of the Municipal Council of Paphos Chrysanthos Savvides, said that they visited on Tuesday as part of a tour of various schools of Pre-primary, Primary, Secondary and Technical Education of Pafos and had the opportunity to record problems, noting that one of the problems is the traffic.

Indicatively, Mr. Savvidis mentioned that in a school unit and specifically in the Technical School of Paphos, students are delayed 20 to 30 minutes to arrive due to the various projects that are in progress in the city of Paphos. You understand, he said, what it means to delay a student three to four times a week, the first hour of teaching and how many learning gaps are created. He also pointed out that the school of the Paphos Technical School, received letters from OSYPA that it is not their responsibility, while they transport students from various areas and due to the works are delayed and half an hour.

The issue of the overpass in Paphos was also raised, noting that a life has been lost. Mr. Savvidis also called on the public works, the Ministry of Education and the Municipality of Pafos to take responsibility for them.

He also wished that this project would be implemented as soon as possible because, as he said, every day complaints are being received that children are in danger of losing their lives. Regarding the building facilities of the schools, Mr. Savvidis said that there are some building problems, but an effort is being made by both the Ministry of Education and the School Board and other bodies so that they are properly completed and solved. Mr. Savvidis then referred to the huge problem with school units, adding that there is overcrowding both in Primary, Secondary and Technical Education. We need new schools and - as he said - the Ministry of Education must implement a long-term programme for the creation of new school units.

For his part, AKEL Pafos MP Valentinos Fakontis said that Pafos MPs accompanied the Parliamentary Committee on Education of the Parliament on their tour in Paphos in various schools. We want, he said, to see the problems and omissions that exist in the new educational year, adding that as part of the Legislature on their part they can contribute to taking steps forward. He also added that in Paphos we face overcrowding issues, mainly at the Paphos Technical School, noting that there is a need to create a new Technical School and a new Gymnasium in the center of Paphos. These two problems, he continued, are ranked higher than all the others. Mr. Fakontis then referred to the problems with the staffing of teachers that must be done in the coming period, the support of special training with educational psychologists and counselors so that the new educational year can function smoothly.

The MP of DISY Paphos, Charalambos Pazaros, referred to the issue of building facilities, but also to other issues that should be examined immediately. He added that in recent years, due to the increase in children with a migrant CV, the needs in our schools have greatly increased and the building facilities cannot meet these increased needs. So, he added, we need to make good planning for the immediate future to meet these needs. He pointed out that the problems will never go away and our goal and purpose is to reduce these problems as much as possible. He also said that there is a will from both the Education Committee and all the MPs, adding that the problems in education are a pancyprian phenomenon and not only in Paphos.