Thursday, September 15, 2022


 Filenews 15 September 2022 - by Dora Christodoulou

The Community Council of Innia participates in the cross-border project: "Development of a Cross-Border Network for the Promotion of Sustainable Coastal Tourism" which is implemented in the framework of the Cooperation Program INTERREG V-A GREECE - CYPRUS 2014-2020.

The main purpose of the project is the establishment of a Network for the Promotion of Sustainable Forms of Coastal Tourism, which will introduce for the first time in the common cross-border area of Greece-Cyprus innovative policies for sustainable tourism management of coastal areas. These policies will be designed with the active participation of the parties involved, through the establishment and operation of model Communities for the Protection and Promotion of Coastal Ecosystems, but also with the support of the most modern models for measuring the carrying capacity.

Within the framework of this project, the Community Council of Innia organizes tomorrow, Friday, at 10.00 a.m., at Droushia Heights Hotel, in Drousia, an informative event entitled: "Sustainable Coastal Tourism Development: The case of Akamas and Balos", with the aim of informing the representatives of the local and provincial administration as well as other public and business bodies, and  civil society bodies, from the area of Akamas, on the purposes and content of this project.

Those who are interested in being informed about the purpose and content of the project and the specific event, but also to register electronically to participate in the event in person or online, can visit the project's website: