Thursday, September 15, 2022


Filenews 15 September 2022

Boomerang - in some of the press and opposition parties - his extreme statements that Turkey may come "suddenly one night" to Greece are turning to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The opposition and powerful Turkish media are "cornering" the Turkish president for this statement.

Erdoğan's former prime minister and the man who shaped Turkey's foreign policy together, Ahmet Davutoglu, wondered if the Turkish president intends to confront with the song "we will suddenly come one night" with the change of balance in the skies with the acquisition of F-35 fighters by Greece.

"The balance in the skies between Greece and Turkey is seriously changing. Greece will take the F-35s and strengthen its aviation more, while we will not have an F-35. The F-35 currently has the most sophisticated aviation technology in the world", will you face it with the song ''will we come suddenly one night?'' said Ahmet Davutoglu who is now president of the opposition "Party of the Future".

It is recalled that in the previous days, in a recital of nationalism, the opposition leaders Kilicdaroglu and Aksener challenged Erdoğan to intervene on Greek islands.

Spikes from Turkish media

Similar analyses are being made in Turkish media, with analysts even saying that 'What it is all about to do, Ankara must do so now before things get worse on the defensive level for Turkey'.

They also mention that the F-35s can take off from Athens, reach Turkey and leave again "suddenly one night" without them even realizing it, as they are not detected by radar.

What Selchuk Tepeli, presenter of Fox's main newscast, said: "This story with the ''suddenly one night'' to which Mr. Davutoglu referred with the F-35s there is such a problem! Because we constantly say "suddenly one night", only these aircraft will be able to take off from Athens, to come to anywhere in Turkey, to return and we will not realize it. Radars don't detect it while F-16s don't detect it. that is not the case. So, ''suddenly one night'' to us is a song, but others will make it happen."

Dendia's concern about Greek-Turkish

At the same time, Nikos Dendias expressed concern about the course of Greek-Turkish relations after the escalation of Turkish rhetoric, adding that the choices of the Turkish leadership leave no room for understanding and lead to dangerous paths.

The Foreign Minister, in a conversation with the parliamentary draftsmen on the sidelines of a debate in the Plenary of the Parliament on the protocols for the accession of Finland and Sweden to NATO, said, however, that at the international level there are constant reactions to the neighbour's stance.

"For the Foreign Ministry, if there is anything wrong with the situation as it has developed, which is very sad and in terms of substance, it is that both Turkey and Turkish public opinion are trapped," he said.

He pointed out that the issue of islands had never been raised and that since the Turkish-Libyan memorandum, Turkey's choices have demolished any bridges of understanding.

As Mr. Dendias characteristically pointed out, they have trapped Greek-Turkish relations, despite the fact that since 2019 Greece has given unlimited opportunities. And according to him, he is trapped in a continuous course of conflict with Egypt (because there is a security protocol that imposes a Turkish military presence in Libya). He wondered why someone in Turkey who sees 'the future' should choose this strategy, which leads to deadlocks and dangerous paths.