Wednesday, August 24, 2022


 Filenews 24 August 2022 - by Andria Demetriou

The President of the Ecologists' Movement, Charalambos Theopemptou, expressed his indignation for the lack of information to the public regarding the Protection and Welfare of Animals (Occupation and Sale of Animals) Regulations that were passed in March 2021.

On the occasion of a letter he sent a few days ago to the Minister of Agriculture, Kostas Kadis on the issue and speaking to philenews, Mr. Theopemptou said that for more than a year now, the regulations of this legislation have been approved, but there was no public information or campaign, as a result of which people do not know important annexes of the law. He cited as an example the sale of pet animals under which, per the new legislation, no person is allowed to hold for any purpose, or to reproduce, or hatch, or to import from a third country, or to move from another Member State, or to sell, or to advertise for sale or offer or display animals or hatching eggs - which do not belong to the animals which may be possessed. It is also not allowed to sell or for the purpose of sale to advertise or offer or exhibit animals without operating a premises while it is forbidden to dispose of animals as a prize or gift.

However, as Mr. Theopemptou mentioned, quite often we see posts on social media by several who proceed to sell animals.

As he pointed out, the lack of information of the public about the new regulations resulted in them not knowing that based on them, those who are owners of animals that are not allowed in Cyprus, had the opportunity after March 2021 when the regulations were voted, to inform the competent authorities with a form and to keep the animal until the end of its life.

What we need, Mr Theopemptou said, is for a campaign to inform the citizens so that the proper implementation of the legislation can begin, because so far this is not being done. Through information campaigns, he stressed, the benefits will be twofold. That is, people who will participate in these campaigns will be helped financially, either through videos or through paid announcements, and the public will be properly informed so that they know what to do in case of possession of an animal.

Animal regulations