Filenews 1 August 2022 - by Angelos Nicolaou
The Department of Environment is proceeding with the latest actions in order to issue the relevant decrees for the management and protection of nature for the marine protected areas of The Islands in Paralimni and Moulia in Geroskipou, in order to provide the legal basis for the implementation of the measures for the protection of the marine environment.
It is noted that the Scientific Committee has drafted opinions on the Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) Islands and Moulias and is invited to submit to the Director of the Department of Environment, within 30 days, any opinions, observations or objections.
The final opinion, with any amendments and accompanied by a report on the views, comments or objections submitted and how to handle them, will be submitted to the Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment for the issuance of a Nature Management and Protection Decree for the Special Area of Conservation of the two marine areas, based on Article 15(1) of the Protection and Management of Nature and Wildlife Laws of 2003 to 2015.
It is noted that in Cyprus there are seven marine areas within the Natura 2000 Network: the Area of Polis-Gialia, Akamas, Moulia, Cape Aspro-Petra of Romios, Cape Greco and the Islands, as well as the offshore area of Oceanis.
Conservation objectives concern the establishment of favourable conditions, in accordance with the ecological requirements for specific habitats and species on the site. The conservation of habitats and species within Natura 2000 sites at favourable status will contribute to overall conservation at national level.
The SAC "Moulia Sea Area - CY4000006" belongs administratively to the district of Paphos and specifically to the Municipality of Geroskipou.
The ecological value of the SAC "Moulia Sea Area" lies in the marine ecosystem that characterizes the area as well as in their species and habitats. The opinion shall publish specific conservation objectives necessary for the types of natural habitats and species defined as objects of protection in the SAA. These are 1120 *Posidonion oceanicae seagrass meadows and 1170 Reefs.
As far as Posidonia seagrass meadows are concerned, they occupy an area of 70 - 90 ha. In these areas, the mooring of boats, the prohibition of the use of trawls, as well as the avoidance of the construction of sea works over Posidonia meadows are prohibited.
The area is of great ecological value since the existing habitats, the Posidonia meadows and the reefs, are in good conservation status, supporting high biodiversity. Typical species of posidonia habitat should be preserved: - invertebrates such as sponges (Spongia officinalis) - bivalve (Charonia tritonis). - Hippocampus ramulosus.
As far as the reefs are concerned, they extend over an area of 65 - 75 ha. Protection measures include avoiding the construction of marine works over reefs, avoiding activities that may reduce the area of the habitat and not anchoring vessels, as well as not using a trawl.
The reefs are extensive in the area. The rocky substrate is raised in some cases beyond sea level (maximum height of about 2 m) forming small rocky islets.
The forests of the brown algae Cystoseira sp. dominate this habitat. The sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus is localized between the reefs. Other macroalgae such as the species Halimeda, Udotea petiolata, Laurencia obtusa, Polysiphonia serularioides, Amphiroa rigida, Jania rubens, Padina pavonica and Stypopodium shimperi are also found in this habitat.
Pressures on habitats
In the Special Area of Conservation "Marine Area of Moulia-CY4000006", a recommendation is made to avoid or even limit or even regulate the following acts, activities or functions, which degrade the natural habitats and habitats of the species, in relation to their conservation objectives:
1. The location and creation of breakwaters and cantilevers within or near the same hydrographic cells of the SAC.
2. Interventions and/or installations or projects - in addition to the already licensed existing ones - in the marine environment within or near the same hydrographic cells of the SAC (including projects for the location of tourist and other infrastructure, such as floating platforms, artificial "islands", waterparks, marinas, berthing areas for recreational craft, etc.).
3. The discharge of solid or liquid waste into the SACs (including discharge from the sea, but also from the coast).
4. The destruction or damage or disturbance or degradation of the habitats recorded in the Standard Data Form of the SAA, as periodically amended.
5. Any alteration/configuration/intervention of the marine environment.
6. The collection, collection, cutting, eradication or destruction of posidonia and Cystoseira spp.
7. The extraction of material from the seabed.
8. Any alteration/configuration/intervention of the marine environment. The actions include the siting of tourist and other infrastructure on land, bordering the marine protected area.
9. The use of trawls.
10.The mooring of boats, except in cases of force majeure - due to bad weather, etc.