Monday, August 29, 2022


 Filenews 29 August 2022

The Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare proceeded with the expansion of the specialized Welfare Service Points (SEEP) in all Districts, following a relevant decision taken by the Council of Ministers. With the operation of the SEP, the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare seeks, among other things, the immediate service of the public for the various allowances related to the Service for the Management of Welfare Benefits (YDEP).

In a pilot phase, YDEP already manages Welfare Benefits Service Points at the Headquarters of the Service in Nicosia, at the Prodromos Citizen's Centre (KEPO) in Nicosia and at the KEPO. Xylofagou. More than 3,500 citizens have been served in them since mid-May.

Considering that the operation of the specialized Points contributed to its pilot phase in the better processing of citizens' requests for issues related to the Allowances of the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare, it was decided to extend them to all Districts. Therefore, in addition to the SEP At the Headquarters of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs, in Prodromou and Xylofagou, the Points at the Multipurpose Center for Social Welfare and Employment of the Municipality of Larnaca and in Kyperounta have already been put into operation in the previous days. In the near future, Points will operate within the KEPO. Limassol and Paphos, thus completing the design.

Citizens will be able to be served at the Points only by arranging an appointment electronically either through the website of the YDEP or the website of the KEPO, or by phone through the call centre of the KEPO. at 8000 2000 (free of charge). The SEPPs are open Monday to Friday from 8 in the morning until 2:30 in the afternoon.

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Among other things, the following services will be carried out at the Welfare Benefits Service Points:

1. Informing citizens about the provisions of the relevant legislations concerning benefits and criteria for being considered a beneficiary of an allowance.

2. Receipt of applications and documents for the allowances provided by the YDEP.

3. Registration of applications, after checking and confirming that they are fully completed. In cases where applications are not correctly completed or are not accompanied by the necessary supporting documents, guidance will be provided to the citizen for their completion.

4. Receipt and registration of changes related to existing applications, such as renewal of lease documents, addition of children of a family unit, etc.

5. Issuance of certificates of receipt of allowance.

The creation of SEPP is part of a series of actions promoted by the Deputy Ministry of Social Welfare to increase the productivity and efficiency of the Welfare Benefits Management Service, in order to serve faster and reduce the suffering of citizens and with a view to upgrading the level of services offered and the quality service of citizens.