Filenews 4 July 2022 - by Michalis Hadjivassilis
Shocking are this year's figures for fatal accidents, with June being described as a "black" month, after 11 lives were lost on the asphalt, that is, every three days or so we had one dead person.
The situation is tragic and takes us back to 2018 where we again had an increase in deaths on the streets, with the difference that now there are also cameras, which seem not to have offered the expected.
In the first half of 2022 we mourn 24 deaths compared to 16 last year, while if we add both dead within the British Bases, then the deaths reach 26. In other words, there is an increase in fatal road collisions of 33%. Officials believe that the situation has gotten out of hand, but what emerges is that we have run out of solutions. The recent meeting, which took place after the deadly incidents in June, simply identified the problem, the X-ray of the fatalities was done, but no new measures were announced to reverse the situation.
The arrival of traffic police cameras, although hailed by officials as an important tool for reducing accidents, has so far been proving to be merely a measure to record complaints, with drivers believing that the system came to collect the state rather than to reduce deaths on the roads. Characteristic of the sad picture this year with the fatalities, is the analysis made at the last meeting on the traffic problem, the deputy chief of the Police Dimitris Demetriou, who served for years in charge of the Traffic Police. Mr. Demetriou told us that since the beginning of the year there have been 23 fatal road collisions with 24 dead. "There is an increase compared to the same period last year by 33% in fatal road collisions and by 38% in deaths. There has certainly been an upsurge in the last month when it comes to deadly road collisions. The month of June is characterized as black", pointed out Mr. Demetriou, since we count 11 dead, one dead every three days.
Referring specifically to the use of seat belts while driving, the deputy chief of police said that of the nine drivers and passengers of cars, six who lost their lives did not carry a seat belt, a percentage of around 66.33%. And the most tragic, he added, among the dead, their ages are 20-39 years old, who did not carry a seatbelt. "I am sure I tell you that at least five of the six would be among us today, simply if they brought their belt. It is the law of physics, in a road collision our body will leave its place."
As far as motorcyclists are concerned, eight people, seven drivers and one passenger lost their lives this year. Of these, six did not carry a protective helmet or about 80%.
They are killed from 4-8 in the evening
From the analysis of the statistics, it seems that most of the lives are lost on the asphalt between the hours of 4 in the afternoon until 8 in the evening.
Specifically, 10 of the 24 dead this year, or about 40%, lost their lives in road traffic collisions that occurred in the afternoons up to eight o'clock in the evening. It also appears from the data that 50% of the deaths this year in traffic accidents are foreigners, either permanent residents or tourists. Specifically, 12 of the 24 dead in the six months of 2022 are foreigners, which should concern those responsible to readjust their policy.
Application for black spots
According to the Minister of Transport, Giannis Karousos, the announcement of the grant scheme for the purchase of an airbag for motorcyclists is coming soon, "which we believe will significantly improve the road safety of motorcyclists". Also, the application will operate where citizens will record the black and problematic points and the competent Authority will be immediately informed to improve them.
At the same time, yesterday, an amendment to the legislation on Road Safety was put to public consultation, where in advertisements for services or products related to road safety, it will be mandatory for a percentage of the advertisement to indicate a message about road safety, which is the case with cigarettes where on the packet there is a warning about the dangers of the smoker. There will also be an increase in messages about road safety in the media.