Monday, June 27, 2022


 Filenews 27 June 2022 - byGeorge Tzivas*

Space has become an integral part of our daily lives. Citizens increasingly rely on space technologies when they use their mobile phone, when they watch TV, when they travel, when they receive the weather forecast, when their safety is at risk. This continuously growing development of the space sector, with the corresponding public and private investments, promises to help people solve some of the biggest challenges they will face in the coming decades.

George Komodromos, Director of the Department of Electronic Communications (TEE) of the Deputy Ministry of Research and Technology, recently welcomed the new workshop (June 16, 2022) of the TEE. With Mr. Komodromos we had a very interesting conversation about the steps of Cyprus in the promotion of Space Technologies.

- What is the National Space Strategy and how is the lives of citizens affected?

The well-being of citizens depends on space policy in areas such as the environment, tackling climate change, state and private security, humanitarian and development aid, transport, the information society.

- What does all this mean for the national economy?

Space is a generator of knowledge, new products and new forms of industrial cooperation, is a driving force of innovation and contributes to competitiveness, growth and job creation.

- Space allows the country to strengthen its position as a major player on the world stage and contributes to its economic and political independence. Can you explain it to us more since we live in strange times?

The strategic importance of space technology and its applications for socio-economic prosperity and growth, the creation of new jobs, as well as the promotion of scientific excellence and research, is now indisputable. In particular, the organization and management of public safety and civil protection issues, the monitoring and protection of the environment, the anticipation and response to natural disasters, as well as the smart management of resources (water, energy, agricultural, cultural) and infrastructure (transport and energy networks) are areas where space applications can provide solutions with significant added value.

George Komodromos, Director of the Department of Electronic Communications (TEE) of the Deputy Ministry of Research and Technology

- Is there a quest on our part towards a comprehensive National Space Strategy?

The vision is to make Cyprus a knowledge-based society, founded on modern technologies and innovations, with the aim of achieving the strategic goal of establishing the country as a regional hub in the Eastern Mediterranean region. To achieve this ambitious goal, the state promotes space, information and communication technologies at all levels of the country's life. In this rapidly changing sector, where states and businesses are now heavily active, Cyprus must exploit its own potential. The purpose of the National Strategy is to analyze the current situation in Cyprus on issues of Space Technologies, in relation to the international environment and to evaluate the prospects that the further development of space technologies gives for the Cypriot society, through targeted actions. Also, this project will include the significant benefits that will result from a possible further strengthening of the cooperation between Cyprus and ESA.

- I understand that the spearhead is the development of Space Technologies that concern all aspects of our lives. Is there a policy and what are we aiming for?

The use of space technologies, through a structured strategy, is a high priority on Cyprus' political agenda, as these technologies can play a key role, allowing the promotion of research and innovation, the inclusive society, the achievement of the smart and sustainable economy, as well as the wider development of excellence. The use of these technologies in all vital sectors of Cyprus' economy and society (e.g. education, health, environment, tourism, transport) is of paramount importance for the development of Cyprus into a regional service centre and the attraction of foreign investment.

- How trapped are we in older and outdated stereotypes?

Cyprus urgently needs to free itself from the traditional sectors of the economy and invest in new sectors, such as applications using space technologies, which create added value and innovation and at the same time upgrade the products of traditional sectors. In addition, through this strategy, the development of synergies with other strategies of the Republic of Cyprus will be achieved (e.g. digital strategy, smart specialization strategy, green growth strategy, blue growth strategy).

- Does Cyprus have the potential for the development of this sector? What are our current data?

There is already serious development in the field of satellite telecommunications. Providers of satellite telecommunications services are established and based in Cyprus.  The operation of public and private universities is expected to play an important role in technological space activities. Cyprus has the highest percentage (30%) of working-age citizens who have the highest level of education within the EU. Cyprus presents intelligent infrastructures and technical capabilities. We are a member of the European Union and we are actively involved in shaping European space policy.

- With the preparation of the National Space Strategy, what will be pursued for immediate benefit?

We are interested in strengthening the image of democracy as an important player in the fields of space technologies. To proceed with the creation of new businesses, the creation of new jobs, and the attraction of investment in these areas. Strengthening of research infrastructures and educational programs in universities. The transfer of know-how and synergies between universities and domestic industry. And of course the attraction of renowned Cypriot and foreign scientists. More important, however, is the development of synergies with other strategies of the Republic of Cyprus (e.g. digital strategy, strategy of smart specialization, strategy of green growth, strategy of blue growth). Improving the quality of life of citizens from the application of space technologies.

Cooperation with ESA

Cyprus has a lot to gain with its active involvement in the activities of the European Space Agency (ESA). In particular, Cyprus has one of the best climatic conditions for observing the earth. Also, in relation to its strategic location, national infrastructure and know-how, we can develop innovative space technology services, both in satellite navigation and satellite communications. The Republic of Cyprus, as an associate member since 2017,  began its involvement in this top prospect of the EU with a subscription of €1.3 million.   And it participates in the 2022-2027 agreement on the Space Technologies ecosystem. It is very important to know that 80% of the assistance paid by Cyprus is returned as sponsorship for the development of actions and prospects by Cypriot businesses.

* Director of the Press Office of the Cyprus Planetarium