Sunday, June 26, 2022

LOVE, ART & DEATH - SPANISH POETRY & MUSIC - Technopolis 20 Garden - 15 July



Technopolis 20 Garden

Friday 15 July - 8pm

Entrance: €12 / €7 (students)
Reservations are necessary.
Reservations, Tickets & Information: 70002420

The poet Federico Garcia Lorca states that the artist must hear only the call that emerges through three powerful voices: the voice of Love, Art and Death. The program that will be presented, explores in a poetic mood these three elements and their various aspects through the life & culture of the Iberian world. Among the auspicious & often enigmatic verses in the works of Manuel De Falla, Villa Lobos, F.G. Lorca, the depth, the diversity & the indivisibility of "Love, Art and Death" are evident. Presented by the award-winning Cypriot soprano Mariza Anastasiadi & the guitarist Socratis Leptos.

Sueño ibérico: Spanish Poetry and Music
Mariza Anastasiades – soprano & Socrates Leptos – guitar

The award-winning Cypriot soprano Mariza Anastasiades and the well-known guitarist Socrates Leptos present a special event with Spanish music and poetry, at Technopolis 20 garden, on Friday, 15 July 2022, at 8pm, entitled 'Sueño Iberico’.
The colourful combination of voice and guitar has always been the cornerstone of much Spanish and Portuguese music. From the Early days of cante jondo to the apogee of modern fado, the guitar has been the standard provider of accompaniment for the voice, so
much so that it shaped the musical style within the region.
When spanish composers like Manuel de Falla were looking for a way to imbue their music with spanish colour, this guitar style was fused with the french compositional techniques of the time to form the eclectic music of spanish nationalism.
De Falla’s Siete Canciones Populares and Federico García Lorca’s Canciones Españolas Antiguas represent the essence of that movement. Drawing from the traditional music of rural Spain in the 19th century, they creatively fuse folk melodies and poetry with modern
concepts of music composition.
Picking up on the impulse of 20th century Spanish nationalism, Latin American composers such as Heitor Villa-Lobos and Maximo Diego Pujol similarly employed the musical language of their respective countries to produce music that is both modern and traditional, art music as well as folklore.
Mariza Anastasiades and Socrates Leptos will present a unique blend of both
original and arranged works from France, Italy, Brazil, and Argentina, many inspired by the rich musical folklore of their respective countries.
We hope you enjoy this colourful musical journey!

A few words about the musicians

Mariza Anastasiades - Soprano
Award-winning Cypriot soprano Mariza Anastasiades recently received prizes of various Competitions Worldwide. In September 2021,
Ms. Anastasiades performed in the Kypria International Festival, where she had her debut with Cyprus Symphony Orchestra, with the leading role of Bonadea in the Contemporary Opera of Andy Skordis ‘‘Argos Sidiros’’. In December 2021, she performed in Vienna the role of Mother in the Christmas Opera ‘‘Amahl and the night Visitors’’, a Kyrenia Opera Production conducted by Constantinos Yiannoudes. Ms. Anastasiades has collaborated with orchestras and conductors from the Metropolitan Opera New York - Gregory Buchalter; with the Varna International Orchestra, where she sang the role of Lauretta from “Gianni Schicchi” 2019. In 2017/18 she was part of the OpernFest Prague, where she collaborated with Richard Hein, conductor of the Prague State Opera House (Národní Divadlo).
Mariza also sang with the Danube Symphony Orchestra - in Budapest, June 2017. In 2018 she performed the role of Drusilla from “L’ incoronazione di Poppea” with the Larissa Symphony Orchestra - under the baton of Christos Ktistakis. Ms. Anastasiades taken part in specialized master classes regarding vocal techniques, interpretation aspects, with conductors, opera singers and vocal coaches such as Barbara Frittoli, Marco Balderi, Vitalba Mosca (Italy), Claudia Visca(Vienna), Andrea Rost(Germany), Kassandra Dimopoulou, Aris Christofellis(Greece).
Ms Anastasiades studied Classical Singing and Opera in Austria (Conservatory of Vienna) and in Cyprus (M.Mus University of Nicosia), specializing in Italian Bel Canto repertory and vocal technique (MMus, Bmus).
Future engagements include a series of concerts with the Danube Symphony Orchestra in RaM Colosseum in Budapest in May 2022, and with Baroque Ensemble Marquise at the Royal Palace of Gödöllö in August 2022.

Socrates Leptos - Guitar
Socrates Leptos began his music studies at the Contemporary Conservatory of Cyprus where he was awarded the Guitar Diploma. He continued his studies at the New England Conservatory in Boston where he studied with Robert Paul Sullivan, Eliot Fisk and David Leisner. In 2000 he was awarded a Fulbright scholarship to study at Yale University under Ben Verdery. In 2009 he was awarded the Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from the Peabody Institute.
During his studies, Mr. Leptos won three awards and gave various performances in Boston, New York, Chicago, Baltimore, Brookline, and New Haven.
He participated in masterclasses with Manuel Barrueco, Sharon Isbin, Jorge Morel, Paul O’dette, David Tannenbaum, Gordon Crosskey, and John Duarte.
Mr. Leptos has recorded music for radio and television. He has collaborated with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and artists like Nena Venetsanou, Alkistis Protopsalti, Alexia, Vakia Stavrou and Paul Di’ Anno. He is a founding member of the Cyprus Guitar Trio and the Duo Claritar.
A versatile musician, Mr. Leptos is also a member of popular music bands Arrayan Path and Arda and the Stolen Moon with whom he released ten full-length studio recordings.

Mr. Leptos has taught guitar and theory at both preparatory and university levels. His students have been successful in competitions and have contributed greatly to the Cyprus music scene. Mr. Leptos has presented lectures and masterclasses in Cyprus and the United States.