Monday, May 30, 2022


 Filenews 30 May 2022 - by Angelos Nikolaou

The creation of a single and linear seaside functional park, which will be used as a promenade, sports and recreation area, along the coastal front, by residents and visitors of the Municipality of Pegeia, aims at the construction and operation of a pedestrian street. The coastal pedestrian street in the Municipality of Pegeia has a total length of about 13.5 km. and its construction is expected to cost around €2.5 million. It starts from the boundaries of  Kissonerga - Pegeia  (suggested area of the Marina in Potima) and ends in the area of Agios Georgios, where the Fishing harbour of Pegeia is located.

Due to the important species of flora, the presence of species of the Red Book of Flora of Cyprus and the large boulders that exist along the route, the pedestrian street in some sections will be constructed elevated wooden (deck type). In the sections where the two main breeding sites (caves) of the Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus are located, as well as in the parts that are very close to the steep coastline, fencing will be placed.

The project has been divided into 4 phases, of which phases A and B1 are located outside Natura 2000 Network areas, while phases B2 and C are located within and near (tangential) to the Natura 2000 Network areas, a Special Conservation Area (SAC CY4000010) and a Special Protection Area (SPA CY4000023) Akamas Peninsula.

Phase A starts from the boundaries of  Kissonerga - Pegeia, heads along the Xeropotamos and reaches the coastal front, from where it continues and ends east of Coral Bay. The total length of this section is about 5.1 km.

Phase B1 extends from the western part of Coral Bay - Keratidi area and ends in the area of Skklinikari (Agios Georgios State Forest). The total length of this section is about 1.6 km.

Phase B2 of the proposed pedestrian street continues from the area of Sklinikari (Agios Georgios State Forest), along the coastal front of the Sea Caves area and then is diverted around the 6 existing villas (Spilios of Fokia), where it follows the existing road (area Petra tou Vathi - Sea Cave Avenue) and ends at the location Asprovikla. The total length of this section is about 3.6 km.

Phase C extends from the area of The Sea Caves (Asprovikla location) to the locations of Manikis and Kafizis. It ends in the area of Agios Georgios, where the Fishing Shelter of Pegeia is located. The total length of this section is about 3.2 km.

For the first three phases, an environmental approval was issued, with the most recent one concerning phase B2 where the Environmental Authority lit the green light for the proposed route of the coastal pedestrian street in the Municipality of Pegeia with a reasoned finding. It is noted that so far, for Phase C, no relevant Information Report has been submitted to the Department of Environment.

The route of the pedestrian street of Phase B2 coincides, is located within or adjoins per location with the northwest boundary of the areas of the Natura 2000 Network, a Site of Community Importance "Akamas Peninsula" - "CY4000010" and a Special Protection Zone "Special Protection Area (SPA) Akamas Peninsula" - "CY4000023". The area of the project is already receiving visitors for walking, through the existing dirt road, while at the same time there are points along the proposed route where access to the sea is given.

In 6 months the completion of the first phase

Access to the pedestrian street, until the completion of the wider project, will be carried out from the road network of the area through the streets of Thalassion Spilia, Angelos Sikelianou, Nikos Kavvadias, FreshWater, Olympiados, Slinikarianion, Thebes, Koronas and Petra tou Thethos. The construction phase of the project is estimated up to 6 months.

The section of the pedestrian street under consideration is located in the coastal area of the Municipality of Pegeia at a distance of about 4 km from the residential core of Pegeia. It extends from the area of Sklenikari (Forest of Agios Georgios), continues along the coastal front of the area of the "Sea Caves", is diverted around the existing villas where it follows the Avenue of Sea Caves and ends at the location Asprovikla.

Along the entire length of the route of the project under study, mainly holiday homes are located, while near the pedestrian street under consideration there are 2 dining areas ("Oniro by the Sea" and "Sea Caves"). East of the project and within a distance of about 1 km, there is a tourist development (mainly holiday homes and restaurants).

The nuisance of the seal by visitors is reduced

Within the study area, the main breeding caves of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, Monachus monachus, as well as the bat species Myotis blythi and Miniopterus schreibersii that maintain shelters/colonies are located. The proposed project is not expected to adversely affect biodiversity in Natura 2000 areas, as construction work will be limited in scope and duration and any intrusive work will be carried out outside the breeding season. The loss of habitats/ important species of flora/ species of the Red Book of Flora of Cyprus is expected to be mitigated by the use of the elevated pedestrian street.

The impact of the operation of the project is expected to be reduced towards the species of fauna and flora since visitors will use the pedestrian street, reducing the pressure on the wider environment. Especially in the case of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, the nuisance from visitors will be reduced.

Elevated wooden pedestrian street

Phase B-2 of the wider project of the Public Coastal Pedestrian Street, will have a total route length of 3.6 km, approximately, width of 2.5 m, and includes the following: • Pedestrian street on the ground with concrete lined with pebbles,• elevated sections with a wooden deck, • a view point, • fenced sections, • fenced sections, in front of the two main breeding sites (caves) of the Mediterranean Monk Seal "Monachus monachus" and the steep points of the coastline.

Due to the dense natural vegetation, the important species of flora, the presence of species of the Red Book of Flora of Cyprus and the presence of extensive rocky exacerbations with boulders that exist along the route, it is suggested that the pedestrian street in some sections be constructed elevated wooden (deck type).

Along the part of the pedestrian street that passes through the sea caves (northernmost end), in the sections where the two main breeding sites (caves) of the Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus are located, as well as in the sections that are very close to the steep coastline, a wooden fence will be placed on a stone wall, totaling about 110 cm.

In areas with a steep cliff, a fully stone wall or only a wooden structure, of a total height of about 110 cm, will be placed.

A stone wall 1 m high, on which 0.8 m high glazing will be placed, will be placed in front of block 309 ("Sea Caves Restaurant") / breeding sites (caves) of the Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus.