Friday, April 8, 2022


 Filenews 8 April 2022

High dust concentrations continue to prevail in Cyprus, which has been affecting our country in recent days, making the atmosphere suffocating. However, according to the Department of Meteorology, a gradual decline is expected from this afternoon onwards.

However, in the measurements of the ground stations of the Air Quality Monitoring Network of the Department of Labour Inspection, high dust concentrations are still observed today.

As stated by the Department, because the dust contains small-sized inhalable particles that may have a negative effect on human health, the public and especially vulnerable groups of the population (children, the elderly and the sick) are urged to avoid circulating in open spaces until the phenomenon is over.

At the same time, it warns that employers must take appropriate organizational or technical measures, after assessing the risks for their employees who are in open spaces and employees in such areas are advised to use appropriate means of personal protection.

For information, the hourly dust concentration values measured at 7:00 a.m. in the following areas were:

Nicosia: 92,4 μg/m3

Limassol: 100,6 μg/m3

Larnaca: 88,3 μg/m3

Paralimni: 98,0 μg/m3

Paphos: 109,8 μg/m3

Weighing: 74,5 μg/m3

Agia Marina Xyliatou: 118,9 μg/m3

Detailed weather report

Weak low pressure affects the area. Dust will be observed in the atmosphere, a gradual retreat of which is expected from the afternoon onwards.

Today, after the dissolution of the local low cloud or even sparse fog, the weather will be mostly cloudy with medium and high clouds. From noon onwards, it is expected to become mostly cloudy, with locally temporarily increased low clouds. Winds will blow southwest to northwest, moderate to strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort but soon, mainly windward, strong to very strong, 5 to 6 Beaufort and locally very strong, 6 Beaufort. The sea will initially be a little turbulent, soon to become on the windward coast until turbulent and in the afternoon turbulent. The temperature will rise to around 23 degrees in the interior, south and east coasts, around 22 degrees on the north coast, around 20 degrees on the west coast and around 14 degrees in the higher mountains.

Tonight, the weather will be mostly clear but locally, in the west, there will be at times low clouds. Winds will initially blow southwest to northwest, moderate to strong, 4 to 5 Beaufort and locally strong, 5 Beaufort to later become mainly northwest to northeast, weak to moderate, 3 to 4 Beaufort and locally moderate, 4 Beaufort. The sea will be a little turbulent, in the east and locally in the south and turbulent, in the west and in the north. The temperature will drop to around 13 degrees in the interior, around 14 degrees on the coast and around 9 degrees in the higher mountains.

On Saturday, the weather will be mostly clear but in the evening it will become mostly cloudy, with medium and high clouds that are not excluded locally to give isolated rain.

On Sunday, the weather will be mostly clear but early in the morning there will be locally increased cloudiness.

On Monday, temporarily increased cloudiness that will be observed intermittently may give isolated rain, mainly in the highlands and in the west. At night and early in the mornings, sparse fog and low clouds are expected locally.

The temperature will rise slightly on Saturday and not significantly change on Sunday to hover around the average climatic values, while on Monday a slight drop in temperature is expected to hover near or even slightly below the average climatic values.