Tuesday, April 12, 2022


 Filenews 12 April 2022 - by Dora Christodoulou

"Purge" by the Police in Paphos took place suddenly on Monday night to catch suspects possibly involved in burglaries and thefts.. Coordinated operations by the Paphos Directorate resulted in the arrest of at least seven young people suspected of involvement in the latest barrage of burglaries, thefts and arsons recorded in the province over the past two months. During the operation, Police arrested a person who was wanted on an arrest warrant and according to the authorities is involved in a series of burglaries and thefts from homes, as well as vehicle thefts. At the same time, six other people have been arrested on suspicion of similar offences and detained. Monday's operation, the force official told "F", is the beginning of a coordinated and targeted campaign by the Paphos Police Directorate in order to put an end to the action of groups of young people, both Cypriots and foreigners, due to which in recent months has led to the escalation of property crimes.